Chapter 27: NO!

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Still flashback

Third person's POV

The league is now preparing itself for the huge crime they're just going to commit.

The girls will stay behind for safety, the teachers had their bruises and cuts prepare on their skins along with little broken bones.

Aizawa hugged her daughter goodbye and gave his warnings to Kurogiri that he'll protect her daughter and grandchild or else he'll struggle him to death.

Tenko sadly sat on the couch with her arms crossed thinking a plan to how she could join even if her boyfriend forbids her from joining because of her condition.

"Hey Tenkuuuuuu, whatcha thinking about?" Ask the blonde female stressing her name with an ugly smirk painted across her face.

"To how to murder a man. Why you ask?" She answered in a serious tone.

The blonde noticed this and rubbed her shoulder. "What's the matter? Do mood swings hit you again."

"No, it's Izuku. He's doesn't want me to go on this mission. And I hate it if someone tells me 'no' to a mission. It's not fair!" She said crossing her and angrily.

"Tenko, there is a reason why Izuku forbids you to join the mission. It's dangerous. You and your unborn baby might get hurt in the process. Izuku doesn't want that to happen, either of us." Monoma justified.

"But-but you, yourself wants to join too, right? But Compress forbids you too. So, please Monoma help me. We can sneak into Hailey after they all enter. Sounds great, right?"

"I don't know Tenko-san, I think it's a bad idea. But Atsuhiro is not my boss. I am not going to listen to his orders not until we are married so, I'm in." Monoma said making the other one smiled.

"Thanks, Neito. I'm so happy that you're here." Tenko whispered and hugged her as she hugged back.

"What are you girls talking about?"

They both shut up and looked to see the greenette smiling down at them with his brows raise.

"Nothing. We'll be going to bed now. Be careful on your mission now. Goodnight." Tenko said in rush but before she even left the greenette grabbed her by the arm.

"Tenko, I'm sorry. I hope you could understand and forgive me." He begged.

The other one smiles and kisses him. "I'll think about it. Be careful now." She said and quickly left.

The greenette was sad about what his lover just said, he felt that he could cry there in front of everyone. "Whatever happened to the both of you, I'm sure you'll get over it. I'll go talk to her." Monoma patted his back and run off to where the bluenette went.

"Izuku, what happened?"

"It's nothing to worry about, neesan. Maybe it's just her mood swings again, you know every time." He nervously laughs that made the twins frown a little.

"Master, it's about time." Hailey reminded.

Izuku wiped the little tears on his eyes and told them all the plan.

Kyle told me that there is no easiest way to enter Tartarus.

"Then we'll attack the place that has more guards."

"Are you crazy!? Do you want us to be arrested immediately!?" Spinner freaks out.

"Yes, I am crazy. Attacking most guards will be hard but completely worth it, cause if we knocked out most of them, the least of the guards we will be dealing inside. It's a great chance to enter the building where uncle is and no strict and high alerted guards. Spinner, Big sis, you take care of the electricity. Twice, Toga, you two are in charge of the killing threats just in case someone decided to ruin the plan. Dabi, you'll break the door down. Shouto, Mr. Compress, you are in charge of the guards inside the room. Does anyone has questions?" He asked, no one replied.

"Okay, let's get started."

Time skips because I'm lazy and I don't know how to start this f-ing mission, I'm truly sorry

"All Might, let her go!" Shoto yells angrily us All Might hold Dabi by the neck slowly choking her to death.

"Listen to what he said!" Hailey screamed and charge in full speed to All Might, he swung an axe that made him let Dabi go and backed up.

Dabi quickly run to Shoto and hid behind him.

The plan didn't go so well, the heroes are always one step ahead of them. Spinner and Magne successfully disconnected the electricity but were caught by the guard who was waiting outside with Best Jeanist. Twice and Toga has still Midnight in their arms with a knife on her neck. Mr. Compress was almost caught but Shoto saved him just in time. Izuku got AFO out of his cell successfully but was caught by Best Jeanist using his fiber quirk.

Izuku stood in front of everyone and took Midnight out of Toga's hands. "FUCKING HELL ALL MIGHT!!!" He yelled, rage can be seen forming inside of his eyes.

"Let Midnight go then, we'll let go of your friends." All Might said holding Magne by the arm and Overhaul by the neck.

"Don't. Hurt. Them." He said with a low and creepy tone.

"Let her go first."

He slowly steps forward with Midnight in his arms. As he slowly hands Midnight but still grabbing her by the hair, Bakugo decided to mess it up, and once Midnight was close to the heroes he flew himself towards Izuku sending him to the ground.

"JUST FUCKING DIE DEKU!" He yells almost exploding his vocal cords.

He was ready to explode his face when something hard hit him by the head knocking him out causing him to bleed. The greenette looked up to see none other than his lover, Tomura Shigaraki.

"I won't hesitate to kill another fucking hero." She stated looking at All Might dead in the eye.

"T-Tenko, what are you doing here?" Izuku asks standing up.

"Here to help, told you." She smiles as he smiles back.

So close yet so far, Tenko was snatched away from Izuku by Kamui. Neito tries to get her back but was take away as well.

"NEITO!?" Mr. Compress cried out.

"Master, you have to go now. They out-numbered us, you have to go. I'll protect them. I promise." Hailey said pushing everyone to the open portal from Hadley. Kurogiri was knocked out by Edgeshot.

"No! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! FUCK! FUCK! FUCKKKKKKK!!!!!!!" Izuku cried, trying to escape from his maid's but he can't.

He wants to kill All Might, Bakugo. He wants to kill them all.

Their plan didn't end well. Like the last one, he saw before he was completely devoured by darkness was the scared and worried look in his lover's eyes. Telling him that 'he can do it. He can save them.'. After that, he can't see her anymore.


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