Screw Up Of A Lifetime!

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"Huh? Who's calling for me? And why? I was supposed to have a holiday today...I hate these calls goddamit!" Cried a man in his mid forties who wore a shirt with white-green stripes along with green pants. He had a white-green striped bucket hat on his head covering his blonde hair.

Currently he was in his barracks researching on his favorite subject...Hollows and hollowfication. Then suddenly his Shinigami-calling phone rang up and a location was shown on it. It was a high emergency situation as indicated by the red triangle with an exclamatory sign in it. The location was a small place called 'Konohagakure' situated in the 'Hi no Kuni' part of the elemental nations.

He sighed and gripped his beloved sword...Benihime. Benihime was many things...She was a soul slayer, she was a very loving, caring and gentle soul and she was his partner. He gripped her tightly and put on his scary disguise of a skeletal structure with a sword in its mouth. You see, people in the elemental nations can use a weird energy very similar to Reirkyu...It was called Chakra. And therefore the humans there could theoretically see a Shinigami. But the Shinigami world didn't want any human to learn about their peaceful little world that was Soul Society. Thus all Shinigami had to go to the Elemental Nations with a disguise. And apparently Kisuke Urahara liked creepy, freaky things. So he chose the scary outfit of a skeletal structure with a knife in its mouth.

After donning the disguise outfit he pressed a button on his distress caller and vanished in a flash.


Kisuke appeared on top of a hill. He surveyed his surroundings to see a peculiar sight. There was a blonde haired man wearing a white cloak that said 'Hokage' (Fire Shadow) and he was on top of...a BIG-ASS FROG?! The man was also holding two bundles? And in front of that man there was a...MASSIVE furry fuzzy Nine-Tailed fox with RABBIT EARS that would look really cute as a plushy...Seriously? What was up with all the freaky-ass things today...

"Like you are the one to talk..." Benihime helpfully supplied Urahara with a giggle from his mindscape.

Meanwhile the blonde haired man with blue eyes felt a very powerful presence behind him. He turned back to see Kisuke in his scary disguise outfit and smiled, "Shinigami-sama...You have come...Good...I-I...I have used the Shiki-Fuin and I wish to seal the Kyuubi no Kitsune in my children...Can you help me?"

Urahara blinked at the ABSOLUTELY absurd request. He took a deep breath in to calm himself, Okay...I definetly don't want to be a dad like that. He sucks at being a father...Anyway questions about his parenting aside, thinking all that Kisuke asked the blonde haired man, "I can seal but I require payment...Are you willing to make the sacrifice?" He asked in a cold tone suiting a scary Shinigami. Of course a part of him wanted to leave this man alive but that would be breaking the Shinigami code...And he can't do that.

Minato took a deep breath in and sighed, "Yes...I knew the price when I called you here..."

"Very well...mortal. Where is the children I must seal it into?" Kisuke asked. Minato smiled a little as he wrapped up a few folds of cloth from the 'bundle' he was holding in his right hand...There was cute little child with tufts of crimson streaked blonde hair? Most part his hair was blonde except for the edges which were streaked a brilliant shade of crimson red...He had a very unique feature though. He had 3 absolutely cute whisker marks on each cheek. Currently Minato's little bundle of joy was sleeping soundly without a care in the world in his father's arms. It was a sight to behold. When he opened the bundle in his left hand there was a baby with tufts of red hair with two brilliant amethyst eyes. Her cheeks didn't have whiskers like her supposed twin. But both of them looked absolutely adorable.

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