Graduation - Part 2

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A girl wearing an orange top with yellow and red floral patterns printed on it along with an orange skirt was running away from a bunch of Chunins with a paint bucket in her hand.

With a teasing grin on her face she turned back while running and blew a raspberry towards the Chunin and yelled out, "You can't catch me 'cause I'm Natsumi Uzumaki –ttebayo!"

The girl who was running in front of the Chunin suddenly split into 5 identical clones of her which ran away in different directions.

'...Shadow clones...Grah! These Uzumaki and their unlimited reserves!!' One of the Chunin snarled angrily as he instructed his fellow comrades to go after each Shadow Clone.

Meanwhile about a 100 feet away from them the redheaded red dropped the wooden poster that she was hiding in and came out of the wall as she giggled, "Tee-hee! This was my biggest prank – ttebayo!"

But soon her giggling stopped as she froze in her tracks when a familiar chilling presence with that overbearing and oppressing feeling made itself known just behind her. The massive shadowy hallow reminiscent of the figure of a bird with 6 pair of wings fell on the ground aside her as a familiar deep monotonous voice called out to her, "...Natsumi Uzumaki..."

All the color drained from her face when she slowly turned back to see the figure of her big brother with 12 familiar black wings behind his back standing on top of an electricity pole...Carrying another familiar Chunin instructor in his hands with a frown etched on his face...

Iruka who had first time experienced flight on Naruto Airlines TM Ltd. and was suffering from the jet-lag coughed as he spoke, "...Natsumi Uzumaki...You're in some deep trouble this time..."

"...A-Aniki...I-Ir-Iruka sensei..." She whispered fearfully...Of all the people in this world why these two?!

Naruto jumped down from the pole and landed gracefully on the ground...With Iruka falling down on the ground while letting out a pained 'ouch'.

The red-streaked blonde glared at his younger sibling...He loved his sister very much mind you. But...This time she had completely ruined the reputation of the Uzumaki clan...She'd painted THE Hokage's faces...Imagine the shame they would face...All these years of hardwork and political scheming to earn more reputation for his clan...Ruined. Just because of a single prank...

Naruto snapped his fingers and with a small erupted of smoke an exact replica of him appeared on the road with only 1 pair of wing behind its back. Naruto had the complete dark chakra to summon and use all 12 of his wings but his Shadow only had enough for one pair.

Wordlessly Naruto went ahead and picked up Iruka was looked like he was about to say something...But the look of absolute fury in his eyes made him shut up as he allowed himself to be carried back to the academy...

Naruto's clone also picked up his sister without uttering a single word and they took to the skies with a booming flap of their wings.


The classroom was deathly silent when their teacher, the troublemaker and the Edge-Lord of the academy came back. No one dared speak a word thanks to the chilling presence that was further amplified by the frown on his face.

Neutral Naruto = Deadpan. Emotionless. Monotonous. Approachable.
Happy Naruto = Small smile. Approachable.
Sad/Depressed Naruto = No talking with anyone. Still deadpan. Stay away.
Angry Naruto = Frown. Scowl. Feel like you wanna die just cause you're standing near him. Get the fuck outta there before he starts hacking your limbs.

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