Secrets Of The Ravine - Part 2

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Naruto stared at the majestic creature in front of him with astonishment...It was a large draconian creature...About as big as a one-story house...Like the ones he had seen on many historic monuments before...It was completely black in color, covered head to toe in shining black scales. 2 large wings unfolded at its side, giving the creature a majestic view...And then there were those eerie red eyes looking straight at him...As if gazing into his soul...

For the first time Naruto saw it open its large maw and speak, " huh? Human?"

Gathering his courage Naruto narrowed his eyes at the dragon in front of him, "...I am not afraid of you...Lizard..."

The large black dragon growled deeply into its throat as some kind of ethereal purple light started to glow on its scales, "...You dare Know your place Bringer Of Darkness!"

"...I know my place pretty damn well Lizard..." Naruto sneered at it as he spoke, "...And my place is above you...underground lizard..."



With a beastly roar that shook the entire cave the black dragon lifted up its claw and put in down forcefully right on Naruto. The ground beneath cracked as the massive paw was lifted up from the ground with no trace of the red-streaked blonde...

"Heh! Puny mortal human...Thinking he can stand up to -"


The dragon's eyes widened instantly when he felt a single 10 slashes of some kind of weapon on its right arm. It tilted his head to the side to see the same human with a long sword by his side, giving off some kind of dark purplish black smoke...

"...Foolish lizard. You think it's so easy to defeat me?" The red-streaked blonde questioned with a mocking tone. What happened is when the claw was about to descend upon Naruto he had snapped his fingers and dissolved into the shadows to escape the claw.

The large black dragon's eyes were shot exceptionally wide...Not because of the pain of those ten slashes...But because of what Naruto had just done...

"...I...Im-Impossible..." The large black dragon muttered shakily when he saw the human dissolve into the shadows, "...Y-You...BRAT!! HOW DARE YOU COPY MY TECHNIQUES!!" The dragon roared out in righteous anger and lashed out with its claw towards Naruto.


Before the large claw could hit Naruto spread his raven like wings and flew up into the air, dodging the blow. Enraged, the dragon whirled around its tail and hit Naruto who was airborne. Unable to avoid the incoming tail Naruto smashed into the opposite wall creating spider-cracks in it. Even with Naruto's 12 wings protecting him Naruto was hurt...

Spitting out some blood to the side Naruto looked at the dragon who was now growling at him.

"...W-What are you talking about Lizard? T-They are my techniques! H-How can I copy them from you when I don't even know you?!" Naruto asked quite indignantly. He made those techniques and they were his. So why in the name of fuck was his fucking claiming those techniques to be its? Unless...

'...Kyuu...You knew about this didn't you?' Naruto asked the vixen inside him angrily.

"...So what if I did brat? It was you who didn't listen to me!" The fox woman argued.

'...Grah! You stubborn woman! Sometimes I really hate you...Now do me a favor and tell me about this lizard will you?!' The red streaked blonde asked in an annoyed tone as he dodged another tail-swipe from the black clad dragon.

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