Graduation - Part 3

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Mizuki Touji stood at the upper end of the dojo with barely some parts of his shirt covering his torso. There were fifties of small superficial cuts on his sides and chest which were bleeding quite profusely. His shirt was drenched in his blood. A crimson red color was marred across his left cheek thanks to a stray punch from a certain red-streaked blonde.

There were several gashes on his arms too. He was barely holding onto his Fuma Shuriken for whatever miniscule defense they provided from the sword that was currently dripping a red liquid and glowing ethereal purple.

Mizuki was hurt on his left knee too. Naruto had deliberately hit the man there to cut some tendons to cripple him so that catching him later on will be a piece of cake.

The grinning figure of a red-streaked blonde with blue eyes stood on the opposite end of the dojo with dark black smoke around his sword. All 12 of his wings were on his back, in all their ravenous glory.

There was a palpable silence in the room which was occasionally broken by Mizuki's harsh breathing. Naruto decided to end the match with a final crippling blow to Mizuki's chest so he bent down in his stance with his sword held parallel to the ground.

He was about to dash forward and hack away a good portion of Mizuki's flesh when Iruka's stern voice called out, "Naruto Uzumaki! You will stop right now!"

Naruto made a disappointed face for a moment before he put away his sword in the scabbard on his back as he bowed towards the bruised and battered Mizuki, "...I apologize sensei...I didn't mean to take things this far..." Although he said that, everyone in the room could see that Naruto was not even a bit apologetic at all.

Mizuki offered a pained and strained smile in response as he spoke, "...Ah it's okay Uzumaki-san...It was me who started using KI..."

Iruka shook his head to get rid of the flashbacks he had gotten from seeing his student utterly cripple Mizuki and called out for some medics to get Mizuki treated. He called the red-streaked blonde out of the dojo and spoke, "...Ahem...Now that the fighting portion is over...Please make the three academy jutsu...And yes, you are allowed to use Shadow Clone, since you can't use the regular one due to being Uzu –"


Before the Chunin with a scar on his nose could speak further Naruto had made a single handseal and there were 20 other illusionary clones standing in a line. The Uzumaki heir thanked the kind silver haired Jounin and Danzo silently in his mind...Iruka's face was worth all the years that he'd spent to learn accurate chakra control...

"...Erm...Okay then...Use Kawarimi please..." Iruka said awkwardly...His sister couldn't do the normal clone...Then how could he? Oh well...Twins they were...But identical twins they were not.

Naruto nodded and snapped his fingers. With a small explosion of smoke there was a nearby chair in his place and he was standing atleast 12 feet away from his initial position.

Iruka nodded and jotted down his score.

"Lastly please use the Henge..." Iruka said with a twitching eyebrow. Just a moment ago a certain redhead menace had used the same jutsu...In her own style that had sent him flying into the opposite wall with a nosebleed.

The red-streaked blonde examinee nodded and snapped his fingers once more. And in his place stood the figure of a silver haired Jounin with an orange book in his hands, "...Hello. I am Baka-shi. I am a full time Jounin and part time dumbass perv..." He said monotonously and waved at Iruka.

"Very funny. Now choose your headband please. You've passed with flying colors" Iruka told Naruto with a proud smile. Naruto nodded and discarded the transformation jutsu to transform into his original form.

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