Graduation : Part 4

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Mizuki's corpse fell to the ground with a dull 'thud' as Naruto retracted his Zanpakuto covered in eerie purplish black smoke from Mizuki's gaping chest. Purple flaming chains unwrapped themselves from around the corpse and went back into their casters body.

He wiped the sword clean with his dark black cape cloak and unsheathed it back into his scabbard with a deep scowl on his face.

Just 10 Minutes Prior...

"...Heh...Like master like student huh? *cough**cough*" Mizuki Touji coughed up some blood and spat to his side as he looked at the frowning blonde in front of him.

"...What would you mean by that sensei?" The Uzumaki heir asked with a dangerous glint in his eyes.

"...Hahaha! You think I haven't realized by now? You basically REEK of that hideous organization of your master demon..." Mizuki said with a bloody smirk. He knew that he was gonna die anyway, so no need to sweeten it for the blonde.

Now quite deeply worried Naruto thought about it for a moment before something akin to realization hit him. It...It wasn't possible unless...Unless there was something between Danzo and Orochimaru...How did Danzo know about a mole in the academy anyway? Okay...Naruto had full faith in his comrades in ROOT...But if a man has already successfully got into the ninja academy and was disguised as a teacher...Then it should be impossible, even for ROOT to know about the treacherous mole...So how did Danzo get the scent of Orochimaru's spy in the academy?

And moreover...How did he know that Mizuki worked for Orochimaru ONLY?! Okay, if Danzo somehow noticed Mizuki's behavior and got suspicious about him...But that doesn't explain how he knew that Orochimaru was Mizuki's boss. Unless...Unless Danzo had something going behind the screens that not even rest of the ROOT was aware of.

"...How do you know about my association with ROOT? And what relation does Danzo have with Orochimaru?"

Mizuki's eyes widened, showing his surprise for a bit before his lips stretched into a smirk as he spoke, "...Always the sharpest tool in the kit aren't you? Naruto Uzumaki? By the way...Why are you thinking that your master has relations with Orochimaru? Don't you trust your dearest master of ROOT?"

"Pffffft! Me trust Danzo? Bitch you don't know that I got into ROOT only to gain info about the massacre 4 years ago. Unfortunately Ojii-sa – No. Danzo. Unfortunately Danzo is pretty tight lipped about that. Moreover I have no reason to trust him. We are only into this 'deal' of sorts for our own profit...You know being the Clan Heir and all...But...Considering what you're about to say...I don't think that it'll work out any longer between me and Danzo..." Naruto said with a nonchalant shrug in the end.

For the first time in his life...Mizuki Touji wanted to laugh. TRULY laugh out of humor. Naruto didn't trust Danzo (Correction. Naruto didn't trust Danzo ANY LONGER). Danzo didn't trust Naruto enough to let him know about his relations with his own master.

"...Not even I know much about it...But I will tell you that your master Danzo and my master Orochimaru has something going on between them...I just know that about 4 years ago...Orochimaru somehow. Just SOMEHOW managed to obtain an eye...A red eye with black tomoe to be exact..." Naruto's eyes widened as a silent gasp left his mouth. Seeing that, Mizuki continued, "...Indeed. That was a Sharingan...Unfortunately for Orochimaru, your master was even trickier than he imagined...The Sharingan that Orochimaru got was...damaged for a lack of better words...It never worked like Orochimaru wanted it to..."

'...Danzo Shimura...' Naruto clenched his fists when he realized the BIG scheme of things...He'd known that Danzo has connections with the Uchiha massacre...But he hadn't predicted that the man would fall so far to harvest the Uchiha's eyes after the massacre...Pure utter rage boiled inside Naruto's veins as his eyes became dangerous slitted red, '...Danzo Shimura...I'll kill you...'

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