Just A Normal Day Of His Life

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The sound of a blade piercing the flesh echoed through the room as the dead body of a plump man with black hair and bloodied brown coat fell to the ground with a dull 'thud'.

As the man fell down upon the ground, bleeding and drowning in a pool of his own blood which was freely flowing from a large gash across his throat...

There stood a young man with a rather tall figure of 5'10" holding a glowing purple sword leaking some black smoky chakra from it with an apathetic look on his face. He wore a brown cape-cloak that masked his body in the dark shadows of the room. Behind the medieval cape-cloak was the printed figure of a fiery nine-tailed fox...Few strands of red-streaked blonde hair formed bangs across slitted red eyes and shadowed them. He stood in front of the dying man, casting an apathetic gaze as the man lay bleeding on the cold hard floor...

'...Leave no evidence...'

The faint voice of his 'Ojii-sama' echoed in his mind. The young boy held the sword now perpendicular to the man's chest about to do the final deed as he focused palpable amounts of dark chakra into his Zanpakuto.


The large blade that was emanating smoky black chakra was plunged into the dying man's chest as the corpse dissipated into 'bubbles' of black dust due to the decaying properties of dark chakra.

'...It's done...' The young man thought to himself with a relived sigh.

"...Mm Hm. Now let's go back and report to that old coot you call 'Ojii-sama'...Phew...You assignments have gotten more and more dangerous..." The familiar sultry voice of an evil vixen echoed in his mindscape...

'...You don't seem to mind my assignments though...' The young man retorted with a mental snort.

A cruel, sadistic laughter was heard from the confines of his mindscape as the nine-tailed woman spoke, "...There's a lot of killing involved in your assignments...Why would I mind?"

The young man shook his head exasperatedly as he channeled some chakra into the shadows of the dark room...The shadows gathered around him in a familiar fashion as he disappeared in the swirling vortex of shadows and disappeared from the scene...Dissolving into the shadows...A truly peculiar skill to have...


"...It's done Ojii-sama..."

The man sitting across him on a wooden table made of hard rosewood raised his only eyebrow at the red-streaked blonde in front of him as he spoke, "...Indeed Naruto-kun...Hotaru-san was taking and wasting too much of my valuable money...The man needed to be gone..."

"...Hmm..." The now 14 year old boy grunted in approval.

It was true. Hotaru was actually one of the criminal bosses in Konoha's underworld...The Red Light District. He was there to run a few criminal institutions and search for more finances and capable candidates for ROOT. But...It takes money to run such large-scale institutions...And ROOT was most definetly far from one of the most economically rich institutions in Konoha. Money was valuable...Not to be wasted on unprofitable men like Hotaru...

...And so he was...disposed of...

"...Go home Naruto-kun...You've have been getting progressively better at each assignment...Now, go home lest your mother finds about your nightly activities..." The man with the bandaged arm and left eye told Naruto with a mirthful smirk.

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