And The Shittiest Dad Award 2021 Goes To...Minato Namikaze!!

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"...Uh...So...The big mean foxy's chakra is sealed within...Uh me and Aniki?"

"No. Only you. I hold the empty soul only. See, when Kyuu was sealed within Mama, she was already an adolescent. Her body could handle the strain of being a full Jinchurikki with both the soul and chakra however, when it was sealed within us, we were just babies. Our bodies weren't developed enough to hold the complete might of Kyuu...So the blonde bastard who's got that huge ass face built on that mountain –"

"NARU-CHAN! Language!"

" – No Mama. My language is good enough, thank you very much." Casting a frown at his mother who looked rather sad, the red streaked blonde continued to explain the whole thing to his sister. Now, he wouldn't generally outright defy his mother's words like that but...Being angry makes you do things you wouldn't want to.

And currently he was angry. He was angry whenever he saw the 4th face on the monument. Making a mental note to apologize to his mother later, the Uzumaki heir continued to explain.

'...*sigh*...I guess I should've seen that coming...Well...It's funny in a way...Ehehehe...Naruto hates the person he is most alike who also happens to be his dad...' Kushina inwardly let out a small giggle imagining two alike blondes standing in front of each other...Minato must be crying in heaven about 'What kind of Goth and dark Emo did you raise our son into Kushina-chan?!' and his son would be like : 'Heya dad! I brought something for ya! Here's the shittiest dad award you were supposed to receive 16 years ago!'

At the end of the explanation Natsumi was sniffling quietly with the mentally giggling Uzumaki matriarch trying to comfort her. The only blue eyed teen in the room was sitting a little far away from his sister and mother with a frown etched upon his face.

Currently as it was, he was having a conversation with a certain orange haired demoness inside him.

"No brat. For the last time, I can't do anything to help your sister. My chakra, or should I say, Youki, is a highly volatile type of unstable energy which is a lot denser, thicker and of course, darker than normal chakra...See, when I was sealed within you, I had no chakra. Only my super sexy, hot, gorgeous –"

'...Kyuu...Stop going off track.'

The orange haired vixen huffed...Stinky bastard who didn't appreciate true beauty hmph!

"...Fine. When I was sealed within you, my conscience or in other words, my soul was sealed within you. But I was just that. A soul. I didn't have any actual power to speak of. But the thing was, your body adjusted to contain my soul. Your body changed to hold my soul properly. And with your body also changed your inner chakra network. Think of it like this, A Bijuu is like a Chakra Generator with a soul as its core. The more the number of tails, the more the chakra generated per second. I'm saying this just metaphorically of course." Kurama coughed to clear her throat and continued,

"...So in that way, the amount of chakra that my brother Shukaku will produce per second will be one ninth of what I can produce per second. Remember, all Bijuu's have different and unique chakras. Shukaku's chakra has a sandy grainy feel to it. Matabi's chakra has a fiery hot feel and just like that my chakra had a dark ominous feel to it...Now, imagine, the information on how a Chakra Generator aka Bijuu will produce chakra is in its core aka its soul. So, the way I used to make chakra when I had my body was inside...Well me, was implanted in you. So when that core, aka me, was placed inside you –"

Naruto's eyes widened in realization as he spoke out loud, '...My body adapted to use your core, aka you, to make dark chakra...The first time I entered my mindscape there were two seas. The reddish black sea was the dark chakra my body produced from the metaphorical information inside your core, aka you. And the blue chakra was my normal human chakra...But later on, when I completely accepted you. Accepted my inner self and unlocked Shikai, the two seas merged to form the purple sea that exists today...Now it all makes sense...'

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2021 ⏰

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