Broken Wings

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He could see it.

He could see the bloody blade slowly making its way towards his best friend.

'NO! NO! NO THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!!' Naruto desperately cried inside his mind. That was moment he felt the time stop around himself. He looked around him to find inside the familiar dark blue and red sea of his mindscape.

The Kyuubi stood upon the water of the sea with a...pitiful smile on her face...He loathed that smile on her face at that moment...

She was pitying him for not being able to save his friend even if he could see the katana slowly descending upon her...He never felt this powerless before...This...This powerlessness, this hopelessness...This desperation was making him mad.

"...Naruto..." The vixen began with that same pitiful smile on her face which was illuminated by the light of the twin moons of his inner mindscape, "...It feels bad doesn't it?"

A vicious growl was her only answer. Kyuubi could see it...His mindscape. It was changing. Clouds were starting to form over the twin seas and the light of the blue and blood moons was starting to dull. She decided to push it.

"...She is your best friend Naruto...Will you do nothing and watch her die?" The fox-woman asked with a mocking undertone. The growls only became louder and deeper in response.

The clouds formed even faster as the familiar pitter-patter of raindrops was heard as they descended upon the sea they were standing on.

"...Come on say something you brat! We don't have much time here...3 years of training and you're still that...weak. No matter how much you train...You're always weak –" She was interrupted by his hoarse cough and ragged breathing as he spoke,

"SHhuuUTTT UuuuUPppP" Naruto told her raggedly in a deep voice as she saw black smoke erupt from his hands. The familiar tainted essence of dark chakra filled the entire mindscape as she saw him speak, "...I-I...I AAAAammmmM NnnOTT WEAK!!" He yelled out hoarsely.

"Yes you are. And you know why? You're afraid. A coward that's what you are. You still haven't accepted your inner darkness completely. You're afraid of what you'll become. You are a coward who is afraid to show the world who he is...Pity...Your friend is gonna because of you now...Huh, I always thought that the Uchiha were crazy anyway –"

Dark chakra exploded from Naruto as the black smoke around him started to take form...Slowly Kyuubi saw the dark chakra behind him into feathers. Those feathers multiplied in size as they spread out in many directions behind his back.

They took the form of wings. Fucking SIX PAIR of wings. She saw a total of TWELVE hellish wings which looked like a raven's form behind his back.

Naruto who was crouching slowly stood up on his shaky legs. The taint of dark chakra was slowly but steadily increasing in pressure as those red slitted eyes burned with unrestrained fury...

Dark chakra was all the negative things in the world made real. Oh, he had plenty of negative emotions right now.

Wrath, Rage, Fury, Anger, Sorrow, Despair, Hopelessness, Powerlessness and Desperation clouded his mind as he shook the entire mindscape with an unearthly roar.

The Kyuubi herself was shocked at Naruto's transformation into this...12 winged human with red slitted eyes. Kyuubi had seen Naruto's inner core of darkness plenty of times...But boy...She had never seen that core with so much negativity before.

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