The Darkness

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Naruto sat on the edge of a rock on the riverbank crying as he contemplated what exactly had happened in one day...He discovered the Kyuubi was sealed into him...That the Yondaime didn't value their lives 'cause he didn't have a dad...

In his emotional turmoil inside him he didn't even notice the STORM going on inside his mindscape...The Kyuubi was on her knees in the middle of a cyclone of smoky black chakra (AN : His dark chakra is same as Ichigo's Mugetsu Form) The entire sky which used to be illuminated by the light of the blue and blood moon was now shrouded by darkness. Waves in the red and blue ocean splashed against each other and Kyuubi was hit by them too...

Her long reddish-orange hair was disheveled and matted. Fresh tears leaking out of her puffy eyes. She could only sit in the eye of the cyclone of the smoky black chakra and weep pathetically.

Naruto sat crying on the boulder by the river and wiped the tears from his eyes. WHY?! Why was his life so pathetic?! Why did only his family have to suffer so much?! These were the questions going on in his mind as he desperately tried to find the answers to them...

"...I-I...I'm...S-So-Sorry..." The Kyuubi whimpered pathetically from his mindscape. She was only met with a gigantic wave crashing against her face in response that sent her crashing into the cyclone once again...

'For what?' Naruto thought back in a dead tone. Long gone was his happy charming voice, it was replaced by something an abyss.

"...Y-Yo-Your AAAHHHH h-headache...Wh-when y-you g-get hurt, ph-physically or em-emotionally, I-I hurt AAAAHHHHH t-too..." She said with a scream as the violent waves in the sea crashed into her again and again.

For a moment he stopped his tears and looked at the soothing sounds of the river in front of him. The storm inside his mindscape calmed down to reveal Kyuubi with numerous gashes on her body inflicted by the dark chakra...The sound of the flowing river...The soft rustling of leaves in the wind...It was so soothing...Even the most violent of thunderstorms would calm down here...

Naruto took a deep breath in and sighed...He was thinking it the wrong way...He looked at his fist which was covered in dark black flickering 'flames'...He took some more breaths and calmed himself...Ever since the unlocking of his chakra, his dark chakra was getting very connected to his emotions...Rage, sorrow, despair, helplessness, all of them made his dark chakra react violently...

He closed his eyes and focused on his inner mindscape...When he opened them he was in his mindscape again...He looked to his left to see a crying whimpering Zanpakuto spirit covered in gashes and bleeding...

He didn't know what to do now...Technically it was her fault for giving him the headache and all the screaming...But really he didn't want his soul to look like that...

"H-Hey...K-Kyuubi?" He asked unsurely. The woman lifted her head to look at him with puffy eyes, "I'm sorry..." She muttered sadly and clutched her head between her knees.

"I-It's..." He wanted to say it. He really wanted to say 'It's okay', but that would be a lie. He sighed and then fell into silence. The silence only broken occasionally by her painful sobs...What was there to say? That he forgave her for being controlled by a man with a Sharingan which wasn't her fault at all? That he forgave her for the agonizing headache? The problem was you can't forgive someone who hasn't done anything wrong...So he did the most sensible thing. He accepted. He accepted all the facts and reached a conclusion...

The masked man...It was all his fault. He would pay. Someone has to pay. He would make the masked man pay. Eyes narrowed in determination he looked over to the sobbing woman, "Hey stop crying now woman!" He yelled out to her with courage...

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