Void Release

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#Very minuscule amount of naughtiness in this chapter. Nothing too much I would say because I do not write lemons...And quite honestly don't like them at all...But some heavy-petting isn't beyond my realm of writing actually...



Everyone seated in the council either stared with a sweatdrop or a face-fault as their 'just a moment ago' master political diplomat in the making was manhandled by his mother...A pan that Kushina had brought out of...somewhere they didn't know and didn't even want to know had met with Naruto's head as soon as he had stopped speaking.

The poor red-streaked blonde clutched his head in pain as he comically fell down upon the floor...

...And was promptly dragged out of the council through the front door by a rampaging beast with furious crimson red hair floating in the air with a red aura known as Kushina Uzumaki...

...The faint cries of a crying crimson-streaked blonde about 'NOT THE SOAP PLEASE!!' were certainly very disturbing...

"...Well...That happened..." The old Hokage muttered with a sweatdrop as he curiously eyed the scroll that contained the body of the person who had tried to kidnap Hanabi...

But suspicions were raised in everyone's mind that no one dared express...Most of them about the black winged hero (Or is it anti-hero?)...It was only then that Hiruzen turned his gaze to his advisors desk to see the old couple chuckling among them...

"...Koharu...Homura...What are you talking about?"

"Oh it's nothing Sarutobi...Just talking about a certain brat I taught village politics to..." Homura said haughtily with a smirk.

"You didn't teach him a single thing beyond techniques on how to peep on bathing women you old perverted bat!!" Homura's face fell and shoulders slumped when his wife barked at him.

...Err...You're allowed to sweatdrop...Or face-fault...Now.


"...Naruto...Did you really have to do that?"

"Yes...Really. They took Hanabi. They must pay the price..."

"But you didn't have to kill them"

"I did"


A twitching vein popped on Kushina's head when she heard Naruto say that from the other end of the table with a straight emotionless face. They were currently having a...discussion.

Kushina was disappointed and frustrated with her son. He was too closed off from the family. He was too silent. He was generally a cold person but...THAT'S what the problem is...And he had too many secrets. TOO many. He hid too many things. And...She was concerned about his health...

...Professionally killing a Special Jounin and bringing in his body while also masterfully winning the political game and then also cunningly plotting the subtle deaths of the Kumo envoy...It was the work of an experienced soldier...Not an academy student...

As she said...Naruto had too many secrets...And that is not healthy in a family...

"...*sigh*Naruto...What do you want to do?" She asked finally with a sigh.

"I do not understand your question Okaa-san" Was his curt response.

"...What do you want to do with your life? What is your dream?"

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