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"...*cough**cough*Surely you misunderstand Uzumaki-san...How can I? A mere elder know about such a heinous crime?"

"...Ahh but Shimura-san, correct me if I'm wrong you are one of the premier seal masters in Konoha. Just in third place of seal making after Jiraya of the Sannin and our dear Hokage. Sadly my mother is no longer in the deal of Seal Making, her days of being a Seal Master are long gone..." Naruto released an overdramatic sigh at that as he spoke, "...When I had fought Itachi, I am pretty sure I heard him talk about a memory seal and its application on Mikoto-san...Surely you know what exactly Memory Seals are...Would I be correct in that assumption Shimura-san?" Naruto asked with an eyebrow quirked at the old veteran war hawk.

Danzo's emotionless face shifted into a deep frown as Naruto said that, '...Well done brat...Well done. You've put me in a corner now as a suspect...But I know you haven't told Sarutobi about your suspicions...Or else you wouldn't even have come here to meet me at all...I wouldn't even be surprised if you told ANYONE that you'll be coming here...Heh...A coolheaded UZUMAKI dealing with high level politics...I guess you see something new everyday...But I am not one of the elders for nothing you know? I DID make the Memory Seal like my Root Cursed Seals but...You'll never get to learn that will you?' Danzo thought to himself with a mental smirk.

"...Indeed Uzumaki-san...I am one of the best Seal Makers Konoha has to offer just next to the Toad Sage and Hokage-sama..." Danzo said that last word distastefully. A fact that didn't go missed by Naruto. He continued, "...And yes...I know exactly what a memory seal is...If I were in your position my initial and immediate suspect would also be upon myself...Since Jiraya hasn't been sighted in Konoha for more than 10 years now...And how can we suspect our beloved Hokage-sama of such a thing...So that only leaves poor old me...But how can you doubt me of such a thing Uzumaki-san? And have you taken into consideration that any outside forces may have manipulated Itachi and given him the Memory Seal –"

Danzo was interrupted by Naruto as he spoke up firmly, "Impossible. If it was an outsider force then Itachi would most definetly NOT leave 31 members of his clan including the children, Mikoto-san and Satsuki-san alive...It was clearly his own doing...But I doubt if it really was the case...If he did go insane as most villagers claim then wouldn't it make much more sense if he killed his entire clan? Why leave Mikoto-san, Satsuki-san and the Uchiha clan children alive?" Naruto asked firmly as he locked gazes with Danzo.

'...TSK! That fucking Itachi! I TOLD him to kill EVERY SINGLE Uchiha and YET he keeps those many alive...Now this brat's connecting all these dots...No, no, no dammit...' Danzo snarled inwardly. His hand was subconsciously moving towards his bandaged eye as he calculated if he should use Shisui's Kotoamatsukami to bring Naruto into his cause...But the cost was too high...Shisui's Mangekyo was not Danzo's original eye, nor he was an Uchiha...So after using it once the Kotoamatsukami ability would be locked for another 10 years...

'...Looks like there isn't much avoiding direct confrontation now...' Danzo thought bitterly.

Naruto too realized the fact that direct confrontation was now becoming a necessity and this 'polite talk' like 'nobles' was also coming to an end.

Danzo took a deep breath in and spoke up darkly with a small amount of killing intent leaking in, "...Well done Uzumaki-san...Well done...Now hypothetically speaking if I DID make the memory seal that Itachi hypothetically applied on Mikoto-san then...What are you gonna do anyway?"

Naruto face darkened as his cold blue eyes became shadowed with his red-streaked bangs of hair, "...Then I would hypothetically report to Hokage-sama of cour –"

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