The Mission

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"...You've improved...Little brother..."


"...But you're still the same...Onee-san..."



Yugao Uzuki, ROOT code named 'Kage-Neko' fell to the ground clutching her sides as her katana fell down from her hands and...Her ROOT jacket ripped open, shredded into ten pieces by a single slash from the ethereal purple sword leaking a small amount of black smoke, leaving her only in a purple bra that matched her hair...

She coughed into her hand, spitting out a small amount of blood as she turned back to see the tall figure of her little brother figure with 6 pairs of familiar raven like wings on his back standing behind her with his sword held at her throat...

"...If I didn't know any better I would say you deliberately target my top every time we spar to see me in my bra...You little pervert..." Even though she tried to keep her tone as emotionless as possible, a small amount of mirth seeped into it anyway as she stifled a small giggle.

"...Your 'Crescent Moon' sword style is certainly very troublesome with your dodging and then attacking tendencies...Which leaves only your torso suitable for attack...But I appreciate the scenery nonetheless..." The now 15 year old red-streaked blonde said emotionlessly as he retracted his blade from her throat and helped his fellow ROOT lieutenant up...

...Yes you heard that right. He was promoted to the rank of lieutenant about 7 months ago.

Yugao took the offered hand a got up to suddenly pounce at Naruto and roughly hold him by the collar, "...I knew it...You're into older girls aren't you...Na~Ru~kun~?" She cooed teasingly into his ear trying to get a reaction out of him.

Naruto grit his teeth together as he tried not to blush...He would not like to admit it but...Well reading Icha-Icha would do that to you...And currently he was forced to tolerate his older sister's teasing which she liked to call his 'Anti-Seduction Training'...And somehow...just somehow Danzo supported her too...

...Naruto would have taken this 'Anti-Seduction Training' seriously if not for the absolutely infuriating smirk on Danzo's face every time that old coot mentioned it...

Pushing her back roughly Naruto went to his corner of the ROOT sparring room and picked up his black cape cloak with the fiery Kyuubi drawn on it.

"...Are you done Love-birds?" A lazy voice drawled from outside the room. Naruto cast a glare at his purple-haired companion in the room who was giggling and opened the door to come face-to-face with the bleach black haired new ROOT trainee, Sai along with his mentor 'Kage-Tora'.

"...*whistle**whistle* Damn...You two look like you've had some fun..." The brownish orange haired man in his mid 30s with a sword on his back whistled as he saw the purple haired former ANBU in the room dressing up to cover her modesty...This was Fuu Yamanaka otherwise known as Kage-Tora.

Naruto's eyes twitched as the sound of giggles coming from inside the sparring room increased.

"...I can assure you that I am still very much –"

" - Dickless" Sai completed Naruto's sentence by interrupting him with a creepy smile...

"...Sai...Just shut up..." A red-streaked blonde told him with twitching eyebrow.

"...Command acknowledged Dickless-Taicho" The unemotional response made the red-streaked lieutenant smack his forehead in annoyance.


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