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Y/n p.o.v

I ran through the hallway towards the dinning hall cause I was running late. I had slept through the morning announment cause of the night mares I have been having since this killing game had began.

When I finaly got to the dinning hall, I saw monokuma and the monokubs giving us our 'prizes'. But that wasn't the only things he also was handing us our next motive, all ready.

"Ta-da! Your prizes are the legendary  levistone, the priceless octobrush and a card key, which just so happens to be your next motive! Use it wisely!" Monokuma laughed as he handed the two prizes and the key card to shuichi

"Wait, if we want to prevent another murder from happening then we shouldn't-" keebo started but was inturupted by kokichi

" yoink! I'll take that card key then!" He said snatching the card key from shuichis hands

"That little- I swear I'm gonna kick his ass!" Kaito yelled running towards kokichi but stopped when I shouted,"kaito! Put a hand on my leader,  then I might have to tell everyone your secret!"

He looked at me as he stopped in his tracks and looked at me," why you little- and i was starting to think your actually a decent person"

"Hee-hee. You thought that? Well I bet you feel pretty stupid now, huh" I said as I could feel my eyes spinning and i had a childish smile on my face as I holded my index finger up to my mouth

"Y/n. Could you Stop messing with kaito, please" shuichi told me in a stern tone

"Who said I was messing with him?... But I'll shut my mouth if your telling me to, shuichi." I said back with a soft smile on my face and i noticed a blush appeared on his face at my words but before I could say anything  he looked away, avoiding eye contact with me

"Puhuhuhu! Well that is all i wanted to say... for now. So I'm gonna take my leave! Have fun killing you lot! Bye-bye!" Monokuma said and disappeared as the two monokubs followed leaving us to eat

"Y/n! Y/n!" Kokichi excitedly said my name as he came up to me as he was acting like a little kid again," Come with me. Your beloved leader wants to play tag with you! Nee-hee-hee!"

He then grabbed my hand and dragged me behind him

"Kokichi, hang on a minute. I haven't even eaten yet!" I said back but he wasn't listening and dragged me out of the dinning room But before he shut the door I herd shuichi say "Kokichi wait a-" before his voice becamed muffled behind the now closed door

"Kokichi? What's going on? Did something happen?" I asked him as I was now walking beside him as we walked down the hallway

"Hush your pretty little mouth. I'll explain everything soon. Just wait until we get to your lab. Ok?"

"Ok" I replied and we headed to my lab

Once there we both sat around the round, curricular table and he finally spoke up

"Ok. I'll tell you what you missed this morning, miss. Woke up late" kokichi started giving me a childish but weird nickname," first the student council or should i saw angies cult desided to disband. I'm sure you wouldn't have known about that considering you where sleeping when they where discussed it in the dinning hall. And the only other thing you missed is that they where going to get gonta to open up the manhole again."

the ultimate liar (shuichi, kokichi x reader)Where stories live. Discover now