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Y/n p.o.v

I got woken up by a loud booming knock on my door.

"Ughhhh..." I groaned as I was lying in my bed with the covers half off me

Who the hell woke me up? The morning announcement hasn't even played for God sake

It can't be kokichi cause he'd just come in like he owns the place.

It's most likely to be shuichi but that knock was way to loud for it to be him

Instead of just guessing who was behind my door I disided to go find out for myself

I sleeply got out of bed and peaked my head out of my door to see gonta on the other side

"Huh? Gonta why are you-" I said opening the door wider

"Did gonta wake y/n?" He asked as he must of noticed the sleep deprived look in my eyes

"Of course you did. It's like 7 o'clock" I said with an annoyed expression

"Gonta's sorry. Gonta thought when y/n said 'see you in the morning' gonta thought y/n wanted gonta to come wake y/n"

"Oh. That's not what I meant at alllll. I just meant I'd see you in the dinning hall when we all gathered there. Oh well I'm awake now anyway, wait here. I need to go get changed"

"Ok. Gonta understand " he said and I shut the door and got changed into a new pair of the same clothes

After , I opened the door Once again, me and gonta headed to the dinning hall together

But all honesty, it felt like he was being my body guard or something.

Putting that thought to the side we soon made it to the dinning hall

And we where the first ones there so we disided to eat together and gonta wanted more tips on being a gentleman

So just like yesterday I bluffed my way through our conversation

After a while the morning announment played and not that long later everyone else started to come in one by one

(Shuichi p.o.v)

When I got into the dinning room this morning I saw y/n sitting with gonta, talking with each other.

She had her usual smile on her face as she talked to him.

Although I was surprised. Surprised cause I'm usually here before she gets here. Actually she's usually the last one to show up. And the few times she had managed to get here before me, she was always seen with kokichi.

Speaking about kokichi. I looked around for him But he wasn't anywhere in sight.

I thought he'd be here. Especially since y/n is here. But he wasn't

"Shuichi? Are you coming?" Kaito asked looking behind his shoulder at me

"Ah. Yeah. Just coming" I said back and sat with him and maki but I found myself looking over to y/n and gontas table

the ultimate liar (shuichi, kokichi x reader)Where stories live. Discover now