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Kokichi p.o.v

The morning after me and y/n discovered the truth about the outside world, I headed to the dinning hall alone.

When I got to the door of the dinning room. I herd a laugh that I knew better then anyone else's. Y/n's laugh. Her laugh sounded childish but it also sounded demonic, like she was going to pull a prank on you at any moment.

I then opened the door knowing I was going to see her on the other side.

Once I did I saw her sitting next to shuichi with a big fake smile on her face as every one was looking at her.

"Ah heh heh heh! Yep-yep. Maki attacked me and tryed to stab me! Hee hee!" She said without a care in the world


"Yeah. That's gotta be a lie. Why would maki do that?" Keebo replied to her

"Believe me or not. But I'm telling the truth, even ask shuichi or kaito. They where there" she playfully said kicking her legs back and forward while she sat on her seat.

"Yeah. It's true. But y/n Did provoke her, so that's why" kaito said conforming what y/n had said

"So it's really true? I see." Keebo said holding his chin

"Speaking about that" shuichi suddenly spoke up," I brought some bandages for you y/n, from the first aid kit"

"You did?! Your so kind shuichi!" She excitedly said as her eyes started sparkling at him, which made a jelous feeling appear in my stomach

"Ah, y-yeah? D-do you want me to put them on?" He asked her but before anything else happened I quickly walked over to y/n and took her hand that had the bandage around the palm of her hand

She looked at me with this surprised look on her face before she realised it was me.

" morning kokichi" she happily said to me with on of her fake smiles.

I didn't answer and sat on her knee and grabbed the bandage from shuichis hand. I then took the old bandage off.

The wound on her hand was pretty bad. It's probably going to scar, to bad nobody knows anything about stitching or know anything in the medical field. Well at least not that I'm aware of.

I looked at her palm for a couple seconds before I snapped myself out of it and wrapped the fresh bandage around her hand. It wasn't as tight and secure as the previous one. But I think it should stay at least.

Afterwards I wrapped my arm around her so I could whisper something in her ear, so that I didn't look too suspicious infront of every one.

"I've got a plan. Meet me at the usual place, your lab" I whispered then pulled away again.

Y/n p.o.v

After kokichi whispered that he got off my knees and sat next to me and we all started eating. But before I knew it a fight broke out in the dinning hall

"Gonta you can't! There are still exisals!" Tsumugi exclaimed. But I found myself glaring at the blue haired girl, but soon stopped so no one, including kokichi saw.

the ultimate liar (shuichi, kokichi x reader)Where stories live. Discover now