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Shuichi p.o.v

My eyes felt heavy and the last thing I could remember was that I kissed y/n's forehead and then everything went dark straight after that

I then slowly open my eyes and when my eyes adjusted to the light, I saw that i was in the dinning hall lying on some of the chairs

I sat up and korekiyo was the first to speak to me,"kehehe, looks like someone's finally awake", he said in a creepy tone which made me feel a little uneasy

"Uh, y-yeah. So. How did I get here?" I asked and gonta responded

"Gonta carry you here cause kokichi said y/n was trying to carry you to the dorms. But then kokichi and y/n tell gonta to carry you here cause they said that they need to gather everyone here cause kokichi find flashback light"

"I see" I responded to gonta

'I should probably apologise to her for fainting  so suddenly like that. She must of been confused'

I then glanced around the room and it looked like we where still waiting on a few people

That being y/n, kokichi, kaito, maki and keebo

Not even a second later, like she new we where talking about her, y/n opened the door with a big smile on her face as kaito and maki followed her inside

"I'm back. Hee-hee" she sang with that fake smile of hers

She then looked around the room and spotted me "ah. Sleeping beautys finally up, huh." She said in a joking tone and rushed up to me and stopped right infront of me as a big grin appeared on her face

'She doesn't seem confused, embarrassed or annoyed with me about what I did earlier. Or maybe she just doesn't care? Maybe things like kissing doesn't mean a thing to her?'

"Hm? Shuichi are you o-" she started as she seemed to noticed the worried expression on my face but she got inturupted by the others

"Kaito why did you bring the assassin here!"

"Yeah she might kill us"

The mood in the room seemed to change from nonchalant to everyone complaining on why kaito brought maki here

As everyone was complaining the door opened again and kokichi and keebo walked in but everyone didn't even notice cause they where so busy shouting at kaito and maki

"Y/n~! My beloved~!" Kokichi sang running up to the h/c haired girl and hugged her holding onto her tightly but I noticed he looked at me with this smug aura around him like he was saying 'yeah that's right! I call her my beloved now'

"Huh? Beloved?" She asked with a confused look on her face

"Well yeah! Your my beloved y/n-chan of course! Why would I call you anything else? Considering we had that moment together, After all!" he said probably trying to make her blush cause I notice every time he brings up 'the moment'. Which I now know that he means they kissed. Y/n seems to blush at it. And like on queue her face became a little red but it wasn't as red as it usually is when kokichi brings it up.

the ultimate liar (shuichi, kokichi x reader)Where stories live. Discover now