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Y/n p.o.v

We continued the classtrial as we all tryed to get as much information out of tsumugi as possible. I was still standing in Shumai's podium just incase she tryed anything. Plus I had no plans to go back to my own any time soon.

But I could never guess this would happen.
She had different cosplays floating about her and she magically changed into them anytime she wanted. If I went back in time to tell past me about this I don't think she would of believed me, well she might of, considering she'd... or I? Would know I wasn't lying.

But the next thing that came out of her mouth was more unexpected then anything else before it.

"Yeah you heard me. This is all a show so that means your personalities,  ultimate talents, feelings , they're all fake! None of it is real, everything is just fiction!" Tsumugi told us as she changed into a boy with white hair and a long bottle green jacket.

"N-none of it is real?... then what about our families?" Himiko stuttered

"Those were fake too, it's called a back story!" Tsumugi shouted as she changed into another person," everything is fake for example,  kaito's illness was a part of his plot line. I was also the one who came up with the plot line where maki fell for kaito!"

Maki suddenly glared at Tsumugi.

"What?" She hissed.

"Oh and it goes without mentioning that I made both kokichi and shuichi fall in love with y/n. Not to mention her falling in love with them as well. Honestly the ratings went sky high when I added two characters falling over one girl. There was all kind of flame wars about the 3 of you"

"Shut your mouth!" I yelled," your lying I love shumai and I love ko... i mean i loved kokichi just as much! You can't just say you made me fall in love with them! I made that decision on my-"

"Am I? You of all people know that I'm not lying"

Even though I knew she was telling the truth I didn't want to believe it. For once in my life I wished that I couldn't tell when someone was lying or not.

"Still don't believe me? Then here, take a look at this" tsumugi said as she took a remote out of her pocket and switched on a monitor behind her.

Once it was on my eyes widen.

It was me... but I was wearing a black and red school uniform.

I had seen her before, she was in that dream I had but ,how is she up there now?

"Why I want to be in this killing game?... Well I want to be someone who can tell when someone else's lying or telling the truth. In that sense I want to be someone with twisted logic to make the game more interesting. You probably need someone who knows everyone's secrets before anyone else does so the story can continue, I think I'd be perfect for that" the other me shyly said as she holded her hands infront of her.

The others got similar videos played on the monitor. But I was to deep in my thoughts to pay attention to any of it.

Why was I shown that dream? Tsumugi showed me it, right? Or maybe...

the ultimate liar (shuichi, kokichi x reader)Where stories live. Discover now