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Y/n p.o.v

When I woke up this morning in my dorm I got woken up by a knock at my door

I slowly stood out of my bed feeling kind of annoyed by the fact I was rudely awakened from my slumber

I opened the door and on the other side with shuichi

"Shuichi? Morning" I said then let a yawn escape my mouth

"m-morning" He replied

"So. Did you need something?" I asked and he nodded his head

"Yeah. I as wondering if you wanted to walk to the dinning hall today so it dosent seem as suspicious when we leave together."

"Oh. Yeah the plan... hey what about keade?" I asked

"I was going to knock on her door after I came here"

"Hm? So you picked me first, huh." I said with a smug evil smirk on my face

His face then turned red at my words

"Just kidding shuichi! My dorm is closer to yours so that's probably why you picked me first, right? But seriously though. You need to stop blushing as much. If you didn't I wouldn't pick on you, ya know"

He then nodded slightly and hid his face with his hat once again

"Anyway let's go get kaede!" I said then grabbed his hand to tease him more and shut my door as I left

We then headed towards keade's dorm and I noticed that shuichi was a hot mess cause I was holding his hand

'Mission make shuichi blush. Accomplished. Hehehe' I thought

Shuichi is so easy to embarrass, so last night I disided to have some fun with shuichi. As in tease him. I mean this could be the day we all die so I might as well tease him while I can

We then knocked on keade's door but she didn't answer so we knocked again And there was still no answer.

I then reached out for the handle but shuichi then stoped me

"Are you sure that's a good idea y/n" he asked

"Well she could be dead for all we know. Considering the time limit. So might as well check!" I said then tryed the door nob, but it was locked

"She probably headed to the dinning hall " Shuichi told me

"Not yet hang on" I told him then took out a broken paper clip out my pocket and picked the lock like it was something that was totally normal to do, like breathing or walking

I then headed in as I let go of shuichis hand while he kept telling me not to go in

But i didn't listen to him

I looked in the main room. Which seemed the same as my room and there was nobody there then I peaked into the bathroom and there was no one there either

"Ok, you where right,Shuichi. She probably headed to the dinning hall"

He then let out a sigh then gave me a angry look which honestly surprised me a little

the ultimate liar (shuichi, kokichi x reader)Where stories live. Discover now