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Shuichi p.o.v

It's been 6 whole month since me, y/n, maki and himiko got out of danganronpa.

Just like with keade and rantaro, everyone who died in danganronpa are slowly waking up, one after the other.

The only ones who haven't woken up from there coma is kokichi, kaito, keebo and tsumugi.

I don't know if I'll forgive tsumugi for this or not.

I asked y/n what she thought, but all she said was," you can if you want. But I'm currently not. She did try to kill me you know"

She did have a point, tsumugi did try to kill her in danganronpa. Not just her but me aswell. Even though y/n protected me when she did try to kill me.

Even though I should hate her for it. I feel like I can't.

Maybe if she apologises when she wakes up... I might forgive her.

I looked out the window seeing the snow falling.

It was a couple days after Christmas and we all celebrated it together.

I remembered everyones laughs and there smiles, which caused myself to smile just thinking about it.

I didn't manage to get much for everyone. Just a couple of small presents I thought would be useful to each of them.

I then remembered when y/n gave me her present to me.

"I'm going to give you the best present ever, shumai!" She told me as I remembered the big confident smile on her face.

I saw Maki looking at her with an annoyed look on her face from the corner of the room.

I remember thinking that those two seemed to be getting on better at the time but maybe I was wrong.

"It's... me of course!" She said as she unzipped her f/c hoodie that she was wearing at the time, to reveal a neatly tide bow around her stomach.

I saw both maki and miu look at y/n, both with disgusted faces.

Y/n then got closer to me and whispered holding her hand up to her mouth so only i would hear," I haven't had time to go shopping cause the staff keep grounding me for pulling pranks on them, I'll get you something better later."

"R-right " I replied to her nervously laughing, knowing that was probably true.

I smiled once again when I remembered that memory from a couple days ago.

Despite seemingly like a couple, I've stuck by my word.

I'll wait for her to make her decision. No matter how long it takes. Although kokichi should be waking up next so I'm hoping it won't be to long now. Of course... I am scared. I want y/n to pick me... but if she doesn't then... I'll just have to accept it.

I looked out the window once again seeing y/n's reflection in the window.

She was asleep on the couch curled up in a ball.
I put a blanket on her earlier so she wouldn't catch a cold.

the ultimate liar (shuichi, kokichi x reader)Where stories live. Discover now