Kokichi Ending

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Y/n p.o.v

"The one I'm picking is... kokichi" I told them.

Kokichi's face suddenly lit up but as for shumai,he looked upset, just like he was about to cry.

"If that's your decision... then I won't say anything..." Shumai said then shakily stood up and walked towards the door.

"Um shumai..." i say as he stops to look at me," gonta's outside the door so if you need to hug him or if you need to talk to him then... he'll be there for you, k?"

Shumai nodded giving me a small smile then he left.

I felt guilty. But I needed to choose between them and I love kokichi a little bit more then shumai.

I did the right thing, right?

My thoughts where quickly inturupted when I saw kokichi jump up in the air and hug attack me.

"Y/n! I knew you'd pick me! Nee-hee-hee!" He laughted.

"Kokichi, your lying again." I told him and he pulled away a little.

"Your no fun! Can't you pretend that you didn't hear my lie?"

"Pfft- haha your such a child but ok... I'll remember next time. Leader!"

Kokichi suddenly pecked me on the mouth and quickly pulled away again.

I blinked a couple times processing what happened.

"Why did you suddenly!-"

"What's with the reaction? Is it weird for your boyfriend to kiss you?"

"That's!... No... it's not weird... just warn me next time" I said looking to the side trying not to blush at his comment.

"Awww cute! Y/n's blushing!! Oh Hey, could you say something for me?"

"Hmm? Like what? It's not anything lewd, right?" I replied tilting my head at him acting all innocent, even though my words weren't.

"Nee-hee-hee yep it's totally lewd! Hahaha just kidding!" He said back to me lying once again.

"Really? If it's not then, what is it?"

"Can you say,' kokichi ouma is my boyfriend'"

"Huh, well ok? 'Kokichi ouma is my boyfriend.'" After I said what he asked me to, kokichi suddenly wrapped his arms around me again. I ft myself fall backwards , making my back fall onto the wall behind me.
"Koki-" I started but he spoke over me.

"I'm just happy. Your mine. You finally belong to me. Nee-hee-hee!" He laughted as he continued the tight hug he was giving me.

I smiled at his words and how childish he was being, as I wrapped my arms around him in return.

"Me to. I'm happy. kokichi is my boy friend! So of course I'm happy!" I grinned back at him as I felt him pull away slightly to see my face.

I looked down slightly to see that he had me trapped between the wall and him.

I tryed not to show my embarrassment on my face but knowing him he probably already knew how I felt about the position we were in right now.

I looked back up to see kokichi looking at me in the eye. His stare was kind of intense, it honestly scared me a little.

He then finally spoke up," could we kiss again?" He asked.

I nodded while I hummed at him.

After I gave him permission he holded both of my cheeks in his hand and kissed me, making me close my eyes. While kissing him I opened one of my eyes and saw that he was looking at me while we kissed.

Both of my eyes where open at this point as I wondered why he didn't have his eyes closed.

He then pulled away from me.

"Leader, why did you keep your eyes open?" I asked getting to the point.

"Cause your pretty, cute and beautiful, so why wouldn't I want to look at you while we kiss" he said sticking his tongue out at me causing my face to go a little red. But of course he noticed," aww she's going red again, cute!... But honestly that wasn't the whole reason I was looking at you. I was thinking that now we are a couple that we could do what couples do."

"' do what couples do?', Like what?" I asked tilting my head slightly.

"Like going on your first date!" He excitedly said as I suddenly remembered that I've already been on my first date.

It wasn't long after big mom kirumi woke up, me and shumai desided to go on a date. kirumi ended up cooking for us. I did promise him I'd go on a date with him so I made some arrangements with kirumi since she's such a good cook.

"Um yeah about that... I may or may not have already been on a date with someone"

"Aww really? Then that makes two of us. I've been on tons of dates before I ever met you!" Kokichi said lying once again.

'He sounds a little cheesed off' I thought.

"But I'm sure our date will be ten times better... No! One hundred times better!" I said trying to cheer him up as I stuck my arms out.

Kokichi smiled at me then patted my head," of course it will. It'll be one hundred times better then your first. I guarantee it" he told me speaking in a soft tone of voice.

I don't want this moment to end. Well not just this moment but all our past moments we've had together and any moments we will have in the future.

I want to learn so much more about him and I hope we stick together like we always have.

Just me and leader forever.
Just us.
The couple of liars.



Sorry this took a while to come out. I just couldn't think what i should write for the kokichi ending. I should of done the shuichi ending first considering I know ruffly what I want to write for that one. While this one I had no idea so I gave it some thought and this is what came out.

(Word count: 1002)

the ultimate liar (shuichi, kokichi x reader)Where stories live. Discover now