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Y/n p.o.v

Once we got out of the elevator, we all headed to our podiums just like always.

But I felt nervous...

I've never felt nervous about any of the other class trials, it's probably because I knew who the blackened was each and every time.

So I knew we wouldn't loose.

But this time... I don't know if we'll survive this. I don't even know why we're here.

But I'll try my best to survive, considering it was one of kokichi's wishes, and I plan to keep my word to him no matter what.

"Can we start this already? Or are we going to stare at each other all day?" I said as I noticed that everyone was quite.

"Puhuhuhu! You herd her! Let's get this class trial underway!" Monokuma said agreeing with me as the monokubs sat with him.

"Alright so I'm sure we're all thinking it. Buuuut I'll ask anyway, shumai why are we here?" I asked him in a serious tone.

"I wanted to go over the 1st class trial again. I think we made a mistake... as well as... I want to convince you all who the mastermind is" he replied to me as he began explaining what he found.

Time skip.

"... tsumugi your the mastermind!" Shumai shouted after he finished explaining his explanation.

I see... so keade didn't kill rantaro after all. Tsumugi killed him. I just thought it was keade cause she believed it was her when i asked her.

A smirk appeared on my face,' Shumai is really smart' I thought.

"What? I don't know what your talking about shuichi? Why would i-?" Tsumugi started trying to get out of the situation.

"It's you. Your the one who kill rantaro. You started the killing game. You made everyone kill each other!" Shumai continued to yell at her.

"No I'm not. Why do you think I'm-"

"Because I believe y/n!" He yelled.

I felt flustered when he said that, I covered my face with my hand to hide my embarrassment but I felt like you could still see it though the gaps in my fingers.

"She told me before we started investigating. She told me the truth that you where the mastermind. She must of known for a while now, but you blackmailed her to keep it a secret. That burden must of been eating away at her... So I wanted to convince everyone that you where the mastermind and make us all believe her for once!" Shumai told tsumugi pointing dramatically at her.

"That's-" tsumugi started but was suddenly inturupted by himiko.

"Tsumugi isn't the mastermind shuichi. Even though your evidence sounds like the truth. I know tsumugi would never do this. I think y/n's just manipulating  you... she is a liar so it'd be easy for her"

Everyone looked over to me.

'How did the tables turn this quickly... we almost had her to.... ah oh well... I'll just have to turn them back somehow'

the ultimate liar (shuichi, kokichi x reader)Where stories live. Discover now