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Y/n p.o.v

After me and shuichi investigatted the new areas together we disided to head back to the dinning room to meet up with everyone else.

We thought cause we haven't found the flashback light yet then maybe one of the others would of found one.

But once we had gotten close to the dinning hall we realised we where wrong.

We saw the others standing outside the dinning hall. Gathering around the rock with the graffiti kokichi left.

Everyone was there but kokichi himself.

"What do you think this means?" Kaito asked every one as they all had there eyes on the stone

I looked over to shuichi, making him look back at me and I put my finger on my lips telling him not to say anything.

I then quietly sneaked up on everyone and suddenly shouted, " Hey! What are you all up to?!!"

Everyone got a fright from my shout, they where probably deep in thought about something. Some of them even let out a scream. The ones who screamed where himiko, tsumugi and kaito.

They all turned around and looked at me as I had my hands behind my back and I was smiling in amusement from there attractions.

"Why the hell would you do that?!" Kaito screamed at me,".....ugh, anyway where were you two? I tryed looking for you both but I couldn't find you"

"Hm? Really we where just exploring the new areas, is all. Right shuichi?" I asked him so the others would believe me

"Yeah thats right" He said nodding in agreement

"See!  Anyway what where you guys doing? Oh. Did you find another flashback light?" I asked with an excited expression on my face

"No. We didn't. It's just the rock with the graffiti-" kaito continued," more was added to it"

"Really?" Shuichi said and me and him both walked past everyone to look at the rock

"'The world is mine. Kokichi ouma'" I read out loud

'Is this? Is this apart of kokichi's plan?' I thought as I rembered what he had said last night. About how he was coming up with a new plan and he wanted to surprise me with it.

Although I kind of wished that he wasn't doing this alone. But there's nothing I can do about it. Once he comes up with a plan he usually sticks to it no matter what anyone says. I'm just going to have to wait and see what happens.

"Y/n, you know what this is, don't you?" Maki asked me

"Hm...? Of course I don't. Why would you think that?"

"Cause your kokichi's second in command. Isn't that what he all ways says?"

"Hmph... I'm not taking orders from that little jerk ever again " I said with a fake annoyed look on my face as I turned my head away from them with a pout on my face.

the ultimate liar (shuichi, kokichi x reader)Where stories live. Discover now