Shuichi Ending

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"The one I'm picking is... shumai" I told then both.

Shumai's eyes suddenly widen when he heard his name. I then looked over at kokichi and saw the look of heart brake in his eyes.

But as always he put a big smile on his face and said," so that's your decision. All I can do is wish you both good luck... although  I don't really mean that though." He said standing up and walked up to me. He put his hand on my shoulder and said," if you ever feel like you messed up, I'll be waiting" he said then left the room.

When his hand was on my shoulder, I could feel it shaking. He was upset. I mean I did just pick shumai over him. So of course he's upset.

I looked over to shumai who was still sitting on the couch. His head was down so I couldn't see his face.

"Shumai? Aren't you happy I picked you?" I asked tilting my head, trying to start a conversation with him.

He put his head up towards me and I ameadently noticed the tears in his eyes.

"Shumai!? Why are you crying?!" I quickly said rushing up to him picking up both of his hands.

The tears ran down his face as soon as I holded his hands and he had this look of shock on his face.

"It's nothing. Other then I honestly wasn't expecting you to pick me. I was so sure you'd pick kokichi, so I think I'm just... overwhelmed. " He told me looking up at me for once, considering he was sitting and I was standing.

I softly smiled after he finished explaining, but I then open my mouth to speak," Hey shumai! Can you put your arms out like this?!" I asked him letting go of his hands as I stretched my arms out widly.

He looked at me with a confused look on his face as I noticed his tears had slowed down by now. Despite being confused he put his arms out like I told him to.

I then smirked and sat on his lap,facing him. I put both of my hands on his cheeks and wiped away his extra tears.

Shumai's face suddenly went bright red once he realised why I asked him to do that.

"Hm? What's with the look? You should of remembered last time I asked you to put your arms out. Do you remember when we where still in danganronpa when I jump of the exisals hand? I asked you something similar, remember?"

"I remember. I just... kind of forgot about it. But I didn't think you'd do the same trick twice"

"Trick? What trick? I just want to hug my detective emo boyfriend, is that so much to ask?"

As soon as I called him 'my boyfriend ' Shumai's face went bright red again.

"Then we really are- we're..." he mumbled to himself like he still had his doubts about our relationship.

"Of course we are! Silly detective " I said confirming any doubts he had.

Shumai began to cry again.

"Shumai please stop crying. I'm serious, your mine now. No lies, no tricks. That's the truth." I said then wrapped my arms around my boyfriend until he stopped crying.

I felt his arms wrap around my back as he cryed into my shoulder. I then patted his head as we hugged to help calm him down.

"I'm sorry for crying so much. I just can't believe it. Even though I know your not lying to me about... you being my g-girlfriend now... sorry" he mumbled into my top but it was loud enough for me to hear.

"Your fine. If you ever get upset you can hug me and when I get upset I can hug you, right? So don't apologise for hugging me right now. I'll be there for you cause I love you. I don't need any other reason but that."

Shumai pulled away from the hug forcing me to let go slightly.

"Y/n..." he said biting his bottom lip like he was trying to stop himself from shedding any more tears. "I... don't deserve you. But I'll try my best to be the best boyfriend I can for you. Even if we get into fights in the future. Even when times are hard. I'll try my best to do the best that I can"

I blinked a couple times but then burst out laughing"pfft- you sound wayyyyyy to formal. Sorry, sorry. Hahaha!!... But I get what your saying. I'll do my best too! Heehee" I grinned at him.

Shumai smiled back before he asked one more question," um can we kiss? I know I probably don't have to ask now but-"

Before he could finish I kissed him. Closing my eyes as I did so.

I felt shumai tense up like he wasn't expecting me to be so quick, but he soon calmed down and kissed me back.

I was happy.
I don't want to ruin our relationship from now on.
Even when I lie or play pranks or jokes on everyone, he doesn't mind. He may get angry at me from time to time when i do, do those thing but he quickly forgives me.

Plus he's helped me out so much. By keeping me alive in danganronpa by patching me up when tsumugi stabbed me, and by just... Well being there for me when kokichi died.

I have no regrets with my decision.

From now on it's just me, the princess of liars! and my detective Prince!



(Word count : 939)

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