5: He didn't mean it

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Peter was shocked at Edmund's outburst, and unfortunately his brain turned that shock into anger. "Don't you dare say anything like that ever again!" He shouted, gripping Edmund's shoulders as tightly as he dared. "You are not a traitor! How many bloody times do I have to tell you that! You deserve to live! I am not just going to sit back and let you die Edmund, I am going to go and get that flower even if I forget everything by the time I get it to you, if it saves your life then so be it. You are not to argue with me on this Edmund, I don't care what you say or how much you try and get me to change my mind! I will not listen! I am going to save your life whether you like it or not! Because I can not let you die! You're my baby brother, I promised myself and Mum that I'd look after you, and I've done a really crap job of that so far, but I am doing this! I will save your life! Do not argue with me on this! I order you not to!"

"Peter stop!" Susan cried suddenly, rushing forward. "You're terrifying him!"

Peter blinked, only then realising that at some point he'd managed to sit both him and his brother up, gripping Edmund's shoulder so tightly that his knuckles had gone white, and his palms had gone red... red with Edmund's blood... the gashes.

Peter removed his hands as if he'd been burnt, eyes wide in shock as he watched Edmund tremble, before he began gasping for air.

"Ed?" Susan said quickly, kneeling in front of him. "Come on, keep your breathing under control, take a deep breath, in and out, come on."

Peter was too shocked to even move, even when Lucy and Aslan came rushing over too, trying their hardest to get Edmund's breathing under control before he couldn't breathe at all, he just stared at his brother, watched the tears stream down his cheeks at the fear and at trying to keep his breathing even... not to mention the look of pain on his face and the blood that was seeping into the sleeves of his shirt.

After a rather long while Edmund managed to get his breathing back under control and collapsed against Susan, clinging to her and sobbing against her shoulder, shaking so hard he felt sick.

Susan hugged her brother tightly against her, and glanced up at Peter, who still hadn't moved, and looked so shocked and guilty Susan just couldn't feel angry towards him... well, maybe a little.

The room was silent except for Edmund's sobs, before Peter took a deep breath and reached forward to place his hand on Edmund's head. "Ed." He whispered.

But Edmund's eyes went wide the second he felt Peter's hand, and he instantly jerked away, eyes wide with fear and shock and pain as he clung to his older sister, shaking even harder now.

Peter looked hurt beyond words, but everyone except Edmund could see the pure and utter guilt on his face, which left him with tears rolling down his cheeks. "I - I'm so sorry." He choked, before scrambling from the bed and rushing from the room, slamming the door behind him.

"Peter!" Lucy called after him... but he didn't come back.

"Oh my gosh." Susan choked even as she tightened her grip around Edmund. "Ed It's okay, Peter didn't mean any of it, you know that. He's just worried, he wants to help you."

But at the very mention on Peter's name, Edmund let out a harsh sob and buried his face further against Susan's shoulder, and Susan didn't know what to do.

But the second Edmund pulled from her grip, leant over the edge of the bed and began to throw up, all thoughts of Peter were pushed from her mind as she leant over and began rubbing her hand up and down Edmund's back, whispering comfortingly to her younger brother as he let out heartbreaking sobs between gags.

Lucy stared in shock for a moment before glancing up at Aslan, who looked so sad it worry her.

But after a second he gave her a small nod. "I will go and talk to Peter." He said softly. "You both stay here with Edmund."

Lucy nodded slowly and watched Aslan leave, before turning back to Edmund, who was still throwing up, and the look of pure terror on Susan's face made more tears fill Lucy's eyes.

"Shhh." Susan murmered, trying to act calm and brave. "I know, I know. Shhh, its gonna be alright."

She continued whispering until Edmund had probably emptied everything in his stomach, before she pulled him back into a sitting position and wrapped her arms tightly around him. "You're okay." She choked, voice shaking.

When Edmund had somewhat calmed down, she took a deep breath and pulled away, taking a deep breath at the red staining Edmund's shirt sleeves. "Let's get these wounds tended to." She murmered gently, pushing some of Edmund's soaked hair from his eyes. "It's okay." She added quickly when Edmund's breath hitched. "You know Peter didn't mean to do it, he would never hurt you like this on purpose Ed, never."

Edmund swallowed hard and stared at her, taking a deep breath before swallowing hard and glancing down at the blankets covering him, sniffing loudly as he did.

"What about your arm?" Susan asked gently. "Did he hurt it badly?"

Edmund let out a quiet sob at the question, and it was clear he didn't want to answer.

"Ed I need to know." Susan asked, before attempting a smile. "Peter's not going to get into trouble."

This didn't even get the slightest smile back from Edmund, causing Susan to sigh sadly. "Ed, did he hurt your arm badly?" She repeated.

Edmund swallowed hard and eventually nodded his head, guilt appearing on his face the second he did.

Susan sighed. "It's alright Ed." She murmered. "Everythings gonna be alright, Peter didn't mean it. He didn't mean it."


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