18: Bring him home

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"The search party is ready your majesty, I reckon we can search for atleast five hours before it starts getting dark." Orious breathed as he stood in the doorway to Edmund and Peter's room.

Susan took a deep breath and glanced down at Edmund and Lucy, who were staring up at her, Edmund laying down and buried beneath at least four blankets. "Go with them." He whispered.

Susan sighed. "Ed." She murmered. "I need to stay here and look after you."

"I'm fine Susan." Edmund argued desperately. "Please go with them, find Peter and bring him home."

Susan stared at him, swallowing hard at the desperate look in his dark brown, tear filled eyes. Those eyes. He could always use them to get away with whatever he wanted. Susan always surrendered to the eyes... as did Peter.

Susan smiled a little as she watched a five year old Edmund wander over to his older brother, who was currently staring at the cookies he'd just helped his Mum make.

"Can I have one?" He asked, and from the way he kept his voice quiet it was obvious that he didn't want his Mum to hear.

Peter glanced down at him and shook his head. "They're for after dinner later Ed." He replied. "Not for now."

"But I'm hungry." Edmund told him.

"Then have something else." Peter said simply, but then he made the mistake of staring straight in to Edmund's eyes.

Susan saw the exact moment Peter's face softened, the exact moment he spotted the tear filled, wide dark brown eyes of their brother, and had to quickly turn back to her homework to prevent herself from laughing.

But when Peter spoke again, she glanced up. "Just one." He muttered. "But whatever you do don't tell Mum."

Susan went to say something, but it seemed Edmund knew this, and turned his big brown eyes on her instead. "Please Susan?"

Susan sighed, and tried to ignore the look, but it was no good. "Fine." She muttered. "But I had nothing to do with this."

Edmund beamed, the tears disappearing in a second as he grabbed one of the cookies and rushed from the room, Peter and Susan hearing his bedroom door close ten seconds later.

Later that evening, after they'd finished dinner and were sat together in the living room with their Dad, their Mum went to get the cookies they'd made.

"Why is there one missing?!" She called from the kitchen, sounding slightly confused.

Susan watched carefully as Peter and Edmund exchanged a glance, before Peter smiled a little and called over his shoulder. "I have no idea!"


Susan was brought back from her thoughts by Edmund, who looked really rather concerned. "Yes Ed?" She mumbled.

Edmund frowned deeply at her before shaking his head a little. "Go with them." He repeated.

Susan stared at him for a while, and before he could use the eyes on her, she slowly nodded her head. "Alright." She breathed. "I'll go with them, but please take care of yourself."

Edmund nodded at her. "I'll be fine." He told her. "I have Lucy and Aslan to look after me, unless Aslan is going too that is?"

"No, if I'm going I'll ask Aslan to stay and look after you." Susan said quickly.

"I'm quite capable of doing that." Lucy stepped in.

Susan couldn't help but smile a little. "I know you probably are." She said gently. "But it's a lot to deal with and you're young Lucy, let Aslan help."

Lucy nodded a little and smiled at Susan, before leaning against the headboard of the bed.

Edmund gave Susan a small smile before relaxing slightly, frowning a little a moment later and wiping his arm across his forehead.

Susan sighed sadly and wet the cloth on the bedside table, pressing it to Edmund's forehead with a soft smile.

Edmund fliched away slightly, but soon relaxed enough to let Susan wipe away the sweat on his skin, his eyes closing for a moment but opening a second later. "Go." He mumbled, fighting back the nausea until at least after Susan had left.

"Are you sure you're gonna be alright?" Susan asked, voice choked and worry in her eyes.

"I'll be fine." Edmund reassured her, swallowing hard. "But Peter won't be, so go find him and bring him home."

Susan stared at him for a while before sighing and standing from the bed. "Take care of him." She told Lucy. "I'll find Aslan before I leave, ask if he can come up here with you."

Lucy nodded immediately. "Don't worry." She told her. "I'll look after him."

Susan couldn't help but smile a little at this, before leaning down to place a kiss to the top of Edmund's head. "I'll see you soon." She whispered, before turning to Lucy and giving her a hug. "Dont push yourself too hard Lu, promise me?"

Lucy nodded and the two pulled away. "I promise." She whispered.

Susan nodded, and after a final glance at her siblings, she walked over to Orious and the two left the room, the door closing behind them.

Lucy sighed a little before glancing at Edmund. "She will find him you know." She mumbled.

Edmund took a deep breath. "I know she will." He choked, removing the cloth that Susan had left on his forehead, only to be stopped by Lucy.

"Leave it there." She mumbled, looking really quite concerned.

Edmund stared at her for a moment before nodding. "Okay." He mumbled, giving her a gentle smile, but the fact that he felt like he was going to throw up at any minute didn't help at all.

"Do you feel alright?" Lucy questioned, frowning slightly at how pale he'd suddenly gone.

Edmund hesitated for a moment before squeezing his eyes shut. "I think I'm gonna be sick." He choked.

Lucy immediately leapt from the bed and passed him a bucket, sitting beside him and staring at him until he eventually threw up.

Slightly unsure, but knowing what Peter and Susan did, Lucy began rubbing her hand gently up and down Edmund's back, calming him down slightly, and once he was finished, Edmund couldn't help but smile.


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