24: I'm your brother

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Edmund's eyes went wide. "He's home?" He choke, and even Lucy's eyes went wide in hope.

Susan nodded and took the glass from the healer, giving her a grateful nod before she left the room. "Yes Ed."

Edmund swallowed hard before attempting to get out of the bed.

"Ed stop." Susan said quickly, placing a hand on his shoulder, eyes full of alarm.

"No." Edmund choked. "I need to see Peter."

"You can Edmund." Susan told him, managing to push him back to lean against the pillows. "But please, take the cure first, you're to weak to be out of bed now."

Edmund stared at her before swallowing hard and nodding. "Will it work straight away?" He asked.

Susan shrugged and handed him the glass. "Theres only one way to find out." She breathed, giving him a reassuring nod.

Edmund stared down at the blue-ish water for a long while, before bringing the cup to his lips and drinking it all under the watchful eyes of his sisters.

Once finished he lowered the cup and just sat there, staring ahead of him and frowning a little.

"So?" Susan asked, worry clear in her voice as she took the cup from her brother and placed it on the bedside table.

Edmund was silent for a very, very long while, before he eventually spoke. "I - I think I feel fine." He mumbled.

"You think?" Lucy asked, sounding scared.

"Well, I still feel a little sick." Edmund murmered. "But other than that I feel alright."

Susan took a deep breath and placed the back of her hand to Edmund's forehead, breathing a sigh of relief when she felt cool skin beneath her hand. "You're temperature isn't high anymore." She said, a small smile on her face.

"So it worked?" Edmund asked hesitantly.

Susan nodded. "Yeah, I think it did." She breathed.

"I can go and see Peter now then?" Edmund said suddenly, with no hesitation whatsoever.

Here Susan hesitated, before taking a deep breath. "Let's just see if you can stand first." She suggested.

Edmund instantly nodded and pulled back the blankets, swinging his legs over the side of the bed and reaching to grip Susan's shoulder.

Susan helped him stand, and was relieved when Edmund didn't even lean against her for support. He took a few shaky steps forward before he let go of her completely, a relieved smile on his face.

"Now can I see Peter?" He asked, turning to face his sisters.

Susan swallowed hard and nodded, grabbing a dressing gown and walking over, quickly helping Edmund into it before passing him his slippers. "You're still taking it easy for the next few days though, alright?" She said somewhat firmly.

Edmund rolled his eyes but nodded, already making his way towards the door.

Susan followed him quickly, Lucy running over and walking behind them, all three of them looking somewhat worried.

"Ed listen." Susan murmered, wrapping an arm around Edmund's waist for support seeming as he hadn't been out of bed for over a week. "Peter isn't going to remember you, and I do not want you working yourself up, you're still not a hundred percent better yet, so please just try and keep calm."

Edmund swallowed hard as tears filled his eyes. "I know he won't remember me." He choked. "But I still need to see him, no matter if he remembers me or not."

"I understand." Susan sighed, just as they reached the healers room.

Opening the door, they saw Aslan still sat beside the bed, and Peter... sat against the headboard with a small frown on his face, glancing down at a book that was open across his lap.

Aslan looked up when the door opened, and slowly walked over to the other three. "I take it the cure worked?" He asked quietly.

"We think so yeah." Susan whispered, her arm still around Edmund's waist.

"It should of worked." Aslan assured her. "You're brother will be back to normal within a few days."

Susan smiled at him before glancing down at Edmund, who hadn't been listening to a single sentence of the conversation and had only been staring across the room at Peter, who still wasn't aware that anyone else was in the room. "Go." Susan murmered to her little brother. "But please, don't exhaust yourself."

Edmund glanced up at her and nodded, before walking hesitantly over towards Peter.

Lucy went to join him, but Susan held her back. "Give him a moment Lu." She said gently. "This is gonna be hard for Ed, give him some space."

Lucy nodded hesitantly and rested her head against Susan's arm as they watched Edmund walk and stand beside the bed.

"P - Pete?" He choked, eyes full of tears as he stared down at his brother.

Peter frowned and tore his eyes from his book, staring up at his brother, no recognition on his face whatsoever.

Edmund took a deep, shaky breath and lowered himself to sit on the edge of the bed beside Peter, unable to ignore the confused frown on his older brothers face. "I - I missed you." He murmered, part of him hoping that maybe, just maybe Peter would remember. "I really did Peter, these last two or so weeks have been horrible."

Peter blinked at him. "What are you talking about?" He muttered.

Edmund took a deep breath, tears stinging his eyes. "Pete-"

"Who even are you?"

Edmund's heart shattered then and there, and he choked on a sob. "I - I'm your brother." He practically whispered. "I'm Edmund."

Peter sighed. "I have no brother." He said. "I think I'd remember if I did."

Edmund let out a quiet sob at the words. "Please." He whispered. "You - You have to remember, you have to."

"There's nothing to remember." Peter snapped, and Susan could instantly tell he was getting annoyed, so she quickly stepped in.

"Ed come on." She whispered, helping him stand before leading him a little forcefully from the room, leaving Lucy to say hello if she wished.

The second the door was closed, Edmund's face fell and he burst into tears, wrapping his arms around Susan and burying his face against her shoulder.


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