4: You'll forget everything

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"Okay." The healer breathed, Peter tightening his grip gently around his brother. "The cure to this illness is a plant, well flower that grows somewhere on the outskirts of Narnia."

"What kind of flower?" Peter asked.

"The flower is called dark night." The healer told him. "It's made specifically for curing this type of illness, hence the name because the illness gives you nightmares."

"So we just have to find the flower?" Lucy questioned, a small frown on her face.

"That is correct." The healer said, before sighing. "But we are unsure if the flower even still exists, for all we know it might not be where it's said to be."

"But it could be there." Peter said firmly.

The healer nodded hastily. "Of course." He said. "There's also a few more things."

"What?" Peter asked hesitantly, slightly worried about the unsure tone to the healers voice.

"The flower is made completely of magic." The healer said. "Magic seems to be the only thing to cure this illness."

Peter nodded slowly. "As long as it cures him." He said firmly.

"Well, it will cure him if you can get it back to him." The healer said.

Peter frowned. "You don't think I could do it?" He said, sounding shocked and slightly challenging.

"No, no I didn't mean it like that." The healer said quickly. "I meant..." He paused before taking a deep breath. "As I said the flower is magic, whoever picks it puts themself in immense danger."

Peter's heart skipped a beat as he felt Edmund raise his head in alarm. "What do you mean?" He asked.

"Okay." The healer said. "For the flower to cure your brother, it needs to be crushed up and made into some type of medicine, which drives away the fever... and the nightmares, he won't remember anything he's dreamt after being healed, which will probably be a good thing."

"Right..." Peter said slowly, frowning.

"The magic makes you forget the dreams," The healer continued. "And, from the moment someone picks it, they'll start to forget everything. It'll start off with forgetting small things, but eventually you won't even remember who you are, your name, your age, your family..."

Peter took a deep breath. "So, if I went to retrieve the flower," He said slowly. "By the time I got back here I wouldn't remember anything?"

"That's even if you managed to get back here." The healer sighed.

"Is - Is there a way to fight against the magic?" Peter asked hesitantly.

The healer sighed. "There might be." He mumbled. "But no human would ever be strong enough to do it, and I mean no offence by that, not even any existing creature in Narnia would be able to, not even Aslan... the magic is just too strong."

Peter swallowed hard, taking a deep breath. "Are you sure this is the only way to heal him?" He choked.

"A hundred percent." The healer mumbled.

Peter thought for a moment. "Can you give us a minute?" He said.

"Certainly." The healer said instantly, bowing his head before leaving the room.

There was complete silence for a very long time, before Peter took a deep breath. "Well," He choked. "I guess I'm just gonna have to try my hardest to fight against the magic then."

Edmund's head snapped up and his eyes went wide. "WHAT?!" He exclaimed.

Peter took another deep breath. "I won't let you die." He whispered, brushing his brothers hair back from his forehead.

"But if you go you'll forget everything!" Edmund cried, tears making their way slowly down his cheeks.

"Not if I fight against the magic." Peter said slowly.

"You heard him though!" Edmund choked. "No one can fight against it, not even Aslan!"

"Ed please," Peter sighed. "Don't work yourself up. Look, I have to try and do this, I won't let you die Eddy, not if there's even a slight chance I could stop it, and there is."

"Get someone else to go!" Edmund argued, fighting back the nausea.

"No." Peter said sternly. "I will not allow anyone else to suffer the fate of forgetting everything."

"But you're the High King!" Edmund tried. "You have a country to rule."

"I'm sure you and the girls are quite capable of doing that yourself." Peter said gently.

"I - I might not even be here either." Edmund whispered. "The healer said you might forget too quickly."

"I will take someone else with me." Peter said. "They will not go near the flower, and if I forget, we'll be close enough to Cair Paravel by then for them to get back with the flower before they forget too much."

Edmund let out a quiet sob and buried his face against Peter's chest. "You - You'll forget everything Peter." He choked. "You'll forget Narnia, you'll forget Aslan, you'll forget Mum and Dad, you'll forget who you are! You - You'll forget the girls, you'll forget me!"

"No Ed." Peter said firmly. "Theres no way I would be able to forget you and the girls, you're my siblings, I love you."

"I don't think the magic works like that." Edmund choked. "You will, you'll forget everything, I - I can't let you do this to yourself."

"And I can't let you die." Peter murmered, aware of Lucy quietly crying, but right now he had to calm Edmund down. "Seeing as you've sacrificed yourself twice for me now, both of which you ended up with either a wand or dagger inside of you, I think it's about time I returned the favour."

"But it's practically worse than death!" Edmund cried. "You won't remember anything!"

"Well, if death is a better fate..." Peter mumbled, trailing off and glancing at his sword which still hung from the belt around his waist.

Edmund followed his gaze, and actually gagged, causing Peter to worry. "No." Edmund choked out eventually. "That is not what I meant and you know it!"

"Ed shhh." Peter murmered. "You'll make yourself sick."

"I don't care!" Edmund practically yelled. "No way am I ever letting you do this. I won't let you end up forgetting everything and killing yourself because of it, and definitely not to save me. I don't deserve for you to sacrifice yourself for me. I'm a traitor, traitors don't deserve to be saved, I don't deserve to be saved, just let me die Peter, because there is no way in hell you're doing this. Just. Let. Me. Die."


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