16: Siblings?

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- The next day -

Philip glanced over at Peter as the two wandered slowly through the woods, feeling rather worried at the frown on the young kings face. "We're about three hours from Cair Peter." He said slowly, and when Peter frowned deeper he added: "We walked for most of the night so we're nearly home now."

Peter was silent for a little while before eventually opening his mouth. "Home." He mumbled. "Where?"

"Cair Paravel." Philip said hesitantly. "Remember?"

Peter sighed and shook his head. "No." He murmered.

Philip looked rather worried at this, and once again decided to test how much Peter remembered. "Okay," He said slowly. "What's your name?"

"Peter." Peter replied with a frown, and it was clear he wasn't going to be forgetting that any time soon.

"Good." Philip said with a small nod. "Who are you?"

"What do you mean?" Peter asked.

"You're the High King?" Philip said.

But all Peter did was frown. "King of where?" He asked.


"What's Narnia?"

Philip was now very worried... he'd forgotten what Narnia was, and he'd forgotten he was High King... which definitely was not good. "Peter, do you remember your family?" He asked after a moment of silence.

Peter frowned deeply again. "My family?" He murmered.

"Yes, your siblings remember?" Philip asked, hope in his voice... but there was worry too.

Peter was silent for a very long time, before he sighed. "Siblings." He mumbled to himself, before swallowing hard. "Siblings?" He asked Philip.

The horses face fell. "Yes." He said quickly. "Susan, Edmund and Lucy. You're here to save Edmund, your brother, don't you remember?"

"Save Edmund?" Peter said hesitantly, but it was clear to anyone that he had no idea who he was trying to save.

"You don't remember your brother?"

Peter shook his head.

"Your sisters?"

"I don't have any brothers or sisters." Peter said rather firmly.

"Oh no." Philip whispered, before taking a deep breath. "You have to remember Peter, you have to remember your family."

Peter all of a sudden stopped walking. "I don't even know who you are." He snapped, causing Philip to stop dead. "So why should I listen to you? I don't have any siblings but you keep saying I do."

"But you do Peter." Philip tried. "You're here to save one of them! The flower you picked, the one in your bag, it's to save your brother, and it's also making you forget everything."

"Stop!" Peter snapped. "How do I know you're telling the truth, I have no memory of any siblings, or Narnia, or being High King, or flower... none of it."

"That's because the flower made you forget." Philip tried, sounding desperate.

Suddenly though, Peter glanced down before pulling out his sword, pointing it directly at Philip.

"Put the sword down." Philip said quickly. "I'm trying to help you."

"No." Peter said quickly. "I'm going to go now, and if you follow me I won't hesitate to run you through with this."

Philip stared at him, looking extremely worried. He knew he couldn't follow Peter, because he would do what he said he would, and then Philip wouldn't be there to make sure he got back home.

"I mean it." Peter said, before turning and practically running away.

"Peter stop!" Philip cried after him, but it made no difference.

Panicking slightly, Philip glanced around, before coming up with an idea.

The only thing he could do now was get back to Cair and inform everyone of what had happened, that way they could find Peter and have a better chance of getting him home with the flower.

After only a second of hesitation, Philip set off at a gallop through the woods towards the castle.


"How is he?" Lucy asked hesitantly as he walked up to the bed with a plate in her hand.

"Tired." Susan sighed, glancing at her fast asleep brother.

"I brought him some lunch." Lucy mumbled hesitantly, sitting down on the edge of the bed beside Susan. "Thought he might be hungry."

"I doubt it." Susan sighed. "But we can try I suppose."

Lucy nodded and watched as Susan turned to Edmund and gently brushed the hair from his eyes. "Ed?" She murmered gently. "Ed come on, wake up."

It took a moment of two, but eventually Edmund's eyes flickered open and he blinked up at Susan, a small frown on his face.

"Lucy brought you some lunch." Susan told him, keeping her voice quiet because she knew Edmund had a headache.

Edmund stared at her for a moment before sighing. "I - I'm not really hungry." He whispered, shifting so he was laying on his back, still looking half asleep.

"I know you're not Ed." Susan sighed. "But you have to eat something, you'll make the illness worse if you don't."

Edmund swallowed hard before nodding slightly. "I'll try." He breathed.

Susan smiled, and was just about to take the plate from Lucy when the door burst open, revealing a very worried looking Mr.Tumnus.

"Tumnus?" Lucy asked, looking shocked. "What's wrong?"

Tumnus took a deep breath. "Philip has returned." He said quickly.

Edmund's eyes went wide at this and he immediately sat up, Susan having to quickly lean him against the headboard before he fell back down again. "And?" She asked as she turned back to the faun.

"And... King Peter isn't with him." Tumnus told them.

"What?" Edmund choked, voice quiet and shocked.

Tumnus sighed. "Philip said that he forgot what he was doing, and ran off with the flower, threatening to kill Philip if he were to follow, he thought it best to come here and get help." He explained.

There was silence for a while before Edmund took a deep breath. "Please." He choked. "Does he - does he remember us?"

Tumnus hesitated.

"Tumnus?" Susan asked, her voice shaking.

"I'm afraid," Tumnus said slowly, sadness in his voice as he looked Edmund directly in the eye. "He has forgotten you all completely."


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