17: He will always love us

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Edmund froze completely.

"He - He's what?" Lucy practically whispered, tears filling his eyes the second the words were out of Tumnus' mouth.

"I'm afraid King Peter was unable to fight against the magic as expected." Tumnus gravely replied. "He has forgotten he has siblings at all."

Susan took a deep breath, trying to keep calm, but all she wanted to do was cry. "What - What else has he forgotten?" She asked, trying to keep her voice from shaking.

"Philip said that he has forgotten pretty much everything." Tumnus told her with a sigh. "He doesn't know who you all are, he can't remember Narnia, he is unaware that he's the High King, he can't remember anything besides his name."

Susan took a deep breath. "Do you reckon you could go and find Aslan for us?" She questioned.

Tumnus bowed his head. "Of course." He muttered, slipping out the door and closing it quietly behind him.

"Do you reckon he's forgotten Aslan?" Lucy asked, her voice choked and shaky.

"I don't know Lu." Susan whispered, shaking her head a little before glancing at her brother.

Edmund was just sat there, eyes wide, mouth slightly open, breathing a little heavy and tears in his eyes.

"Ed?" Susan whispered, gently placing a hand on his shoulder... but Edmund pushed her off.

"He - He's forgotten." He choked out after a rather long while of worrying silence.

Susan swallowed hard, forcing back her own tears. Peter had told her to look after Edmund and Lucy, to take care of them, and she was going to do just that, because no way was she going to break a promise made to her older brother. "I know Ed." She whispered. "But it'll be alright, I-"

"Don't you dare." Edmund practically growled, cutting her off and causing both her and Lucy to frown deeply. "How an earth can you even think something like that?! Everything is far from alright Susan... far from alright."

Susan sighed before wiping at her eyes. "We'll find Peter, Ed." She said softly. "I promise you we will."

"You may find him." Edmund muttered. "But you can't bring his memories back."

"Perhaps not." Susan said with a sigh. "But I guess we can give him new ones?"

Edmund shook his head. "Just go and find him." He choked. "Susan, you go too."

Susan hesitated. "Edmund, I'm supposed to stay here to take care of you." She breathed.

"Go Susan." Edmund snapped. "I'm perfectly fine, you need to find Peter."

"You aren't perfectly fine." Susan argued.

Edmund only glared at her, before glancing up when the door opened and Aslan walked in.

"I heard the news." He said sadly. "But there is always hope, never forget that."

Edmund blinked at him, before taking a deep breath and laying back down again, bringing the blanket over his head and curling himself into a ball, pulling at the lashes on his back... but he couldn't say he really cared at that precise moment.

He felt a hand land on his shoulder, but immediately shook it off, hearing a sigh from Susan follow.

"Do you honestly think there's something we can do about this?" He heard her ask, obviously to Aslan.

"All you can do is believe there is." Aslan answered, voice calm and soft.

Susan stared at him for a second or two before glancing back down at Edmund, well, the blankets covering him. "Ed come on." She mumbled. "Don't block us out, we all need each other right now, and I promise I will take care of you, both of you-" She glanced up at Lucy and gave her a gentle, forced smile. "Because I made a promise to Peter, and I intend on keeping it. But Ed, if you block us out, I can't keep that promise, as much as I'd want to."

There was silence for a long while and everyone was still, before Edmund removed the blankets from his head and shuffled over so that his head rested in Susan's lap, tears rolling steadily down his cheeks.

Susan began to lightly run her hands through his hair, sighing a little when Edmund let out a quiet sob.

"I know Ed," She whispered, voice choked as she tried to keep back her own tears. "I know, but we'll get through this together, I promise."

After a little while, Edmund began properly sobbing, and hesitantly sat up, leaning against Susan and hugging her as tightly as he could, which to Susan wasn't quite tight enough, but she pushed this thought away and wrapped her arms around her little brother, pressing a kiss to the top of his head.

Only five seconds later, Lucy wrapped her arms around both Susan and Edmund, burying her face against Susan's shoulder and quietly crying, her tears soaking through Susan's dress, but she didn't care, even she now had tears rolling uncontrollably down her cheeks.

Aslan watched them for a moment, before turning and silently leaving the room, knowing that for now they needed to be alone, if only for a little while.

Susan swallowed hard and she hugged both her younger siblings close to her, placing a kiss to both their foreheads before taking a deep, shaky breath. "I will keep the promise to Peter." She whispered to them, one hand still on Edmund's head and the other resting on Lucy's back. "I will take care of you, and I will stop you from blaming yourself Edmund."

Edmund was too weak and tired and exhausted from crying that he didn't even bother to argue at that moment, and just let out another few loud sobs.

"Peter did this because he loves you Ed, he loves all of us." Susan mumbled, trying to reassure her siblings. "He will always love us, don't you ever forget that."

Susan was silent for a while before she took a deep breath. "I will look after you." She murmered, one more tear slipping down her cheek. "I promise."


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