34: Seeing Edmund get hurt

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"What happened?!" Susan cried in shock as she ran over and fell to her knees behind her younger brother, taking his head in her lap and brushing back the hair from his forehead.

"It's a long story." Peter choked out, voice shaking.

Susan noticed the fear on his face and the tears in his eyes, but before she could question it, Lucy fell to her knees and opened her coridal, already leaning towards her brother.

Edmund blinked up at her and didn't open his mouth, his chest rising and falling unevenly.

"Ed?" Susan questioned, her voice full of nothing but worry.

Five seconds later though, Edmund found himself gasping for air, struggling to breathe as he lay there, tears streaming down his cheeks as he trembled.

Everytime Lucy tried to give him the coridal he'd turn away, sobbing at the pain it caused him and going a sickly pale colour from lack of air.

Peter's heart picked up speed as he shuffled around and pulled Edmund upright, wrapping his arms around his shoulders and holding him tightly against his chest. "Ed, Ed shhh its okay." He murmered. "You need to calm down so you can take the cordial."

"No." Susan said quickly. "It - It hasnt been a month."

Peter stared at her. She was right. They couldn't heal Edmund, no matter how much they wanted to.

Edmund just continued to gasp, gripping Peter's tunic with as much strength as he could, but with the other hand he was gripping his chest, causing Peter's eyes to go wide.

Whilst Susan and Lucy watched in shock, Peter ripped Edmund's tunic down the middle, which didnt take much seeming as it was ripped anyway, only to see a large, deep scratch going across his chest. Pulling himself together quickly, Peter took a deep breath. "Ed its gonna be okay." He choked. "You just need to calm down, just calm down and breathe, you have to Ed, do you understand?"

Edmund let out a sob and buried his face against Peter's neck, shaking in his brothers hold.

"Please." Peter whispered in his ear, reaching up to run one of his hands through the scruffy hair.

It took Edmund a while, but he eventually nodded his head.

It took a long while, but Edmund's breathing eventually began to slow until it was finally back to normal speed.

He collapsed against Peter, completely and utterly drained, not to mention exhausted.

Peter let out a relieved sob and pulled Edmund as close as he could without hurting him too much, burying his face against his hair as he cried. "Oh Eddy." He choked out, feeling Edmund bury his face against his chest.

Susan's eyes went slightly wider. Eddy?

"Peter?" She asked after a long while.

Peter took a deep, shaky breath and glanced up at his sisters, giving them a gentle smile. "It's me." He whispered as he gently rocked Edmund back and forth to calm him.

"Actually you?" Lucy asked, sounding unsure.

Peter nodded. "I'm your brother." He murmered. "You're my sisters, I remember that now."

Lucy beamed and was about to fling her arms around Peter, but Susan quickly stopped her, getting a confused frown from her little sister.

Susan sighed and nodded down at Edmund, who had either fallen asleep or passed out in Peter's arms, his breathing steady and mouth slightly open as he slept.

Peter sighed sadly and placed a kiss to the top of his younger brothers head, before glancing back up at his sisters. "We should take him back to Cair." He murmered, voice soft and caring. "His wounds need tending to, and quickly."

Susan nodded in agreement.

"Is Aslan still there?" Peter asked, even as he shifted Edmund to be able to carry him.

"Yeah." Susan breathed. "He's waiting for us."

Peter nodded slowly as he stood, trying his hardest not to wake Edmund, but he needn't of worried, Edmund didn't move except to bury his face against Peter's shoulder.

"How - How do you remember?" Lucy whispered as they began the walk back to Cair.

Peter sighed. "Seeing Edmund get hurt caused something to, I dunno, snap inside me." He muttered. "I couldn't take it, and then the next thing I knew I was aware of just who those wolves were hurting, and what that person means to me, and then everything just came rushing back."

Lucy smiled a little as she leant her head against Peter's side as they walked. "I'm glad you do remember." She mumbled.

Peter gave her a smile back and nodded. "So am I." He breathed.

Susan smiled at both of them, placing a hand on Peter's shoulder as they walked.

Peter carried Edmund all the way back to Cair and all the way up to their room, laying him down in his bed before stretching out his arms and sitting beside him.

"When do you reckon he'll wake up?" Lucy asked, going over and curling into Peter's lap.

Peter held her close and pulled Susan close with his other arm, but still kept his eyes on Edmund. "I hope it will be soon." He whispered.

"We - we should probably let Aslan know what's happened." Susan breathed out after a while.

But Lucy shook her head, her eyes tear filled but there was a gentle smile on her face. "You know what," She whispered. "I reckon he already knows."

Peter swallowed hard. "He's left." He mumbled.

Lucy nodded slowly, sniffing. "There's nothing to worry about anymore." She said. "Not here anyway, but there might be somwhere else, so we should let him go, he'll be back soon, when we least expect it."

Peter smiled at her. "You're right Lu." He whispered. "You really are right."

Susan took a deep breath. "I'll go find some stuff to help tend his wounds." He breathed, already standing from the bed.

Peter gave her a grateful nod and hugged Lucy close to him as she left, the two waiting in silence until she returned with a bowl of warm water and a cloth, placing them on the bedside table. "I thought you'd like to do it." She told Peter. "Although I'll get someone in here to look at his leg."

Peter nodded slowly. "Thanks." He whispered, voice choked.

Lucy sighed and rested her head against Peter's chest, just before small groan from Edmund was heard.

"He's waking up." Susan breathed.

Peter hesitated for a moment. "Would - would you two mind giving us a moment?" He asked.

Susan gave him a small nod, understanding completely. "Come find us when you're ready." She told him gently, before taking Lucy's hand and leading her from the room.

Peter sighed a little before turning back to his brother, taking a deep breath when his eyes flickered open.


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