30: Out for a ride

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- That night -

Peter's eyes snapped open as he let out a rather loud gasp, sitting up in bed as he woke from his dream.

He sat there for a little while, trying to catch his breath, before frowning to himself, trying to remember the nightmare he'd had.

It took a very long while, but eventually he settled back against the headboard, finally able to remember.

Someone had been stabbed.

That's what he'd dreamt about.

There was a boy, perhaps no older than twelve or thirteen, and he'd been stabbed, by who he didn't know. He'd heard a scream of the boys name, but couldn't remember what it had said, or who had screamed it.

Frowning deeper Peter sat there, unsure why he'd had such a weird, terrifying dream.

Glancing up at the small clock on the side, he saw that it was 5am, and decided to get a few more hours sleep before he went off riding with Edmund, which is what the two had planned for that day.

So, the frown still on his face, Peter lay back down again, pulling the blanket up to his chin and eventually falling back to sleep... only to dream of two boys, hugging each other, the older gripping the younger as hard as he could, tears rolling down his cheeks as his shoulders shook with sobs.


"Are you sure you're feeling alright?" Susan asked as she and Edmund headed towards the stables to meet Peter.

"I feel absolutely fine Susan." Edmund sighed. "Please stop worrying."

Susan stared at him as they stepped outside before nodding. "Alright." She breathed. "But... are you gonna be okay?"

Edmund hesitated, his steps slowing when Susan asked him the question. "It - it won't be easy." He mumbled eventually, voice sad.

Susan sighed a little but nodded her head. "I know." She breathed. "But hey, nothing in life is easy."

Edmund swallowed hard. "Sometimes I really wish it was." He choked out, before sighing. "Never would I of thought that I'd be teaching my brother to ride of horse."

Susan gave him a sympathetic look. "It's alright Ed." She breathed. "Just have fun?"

Edmund sighed. "I'll try." He whispered, just as the two reached the stables, where Tumnus and Peter were, Tumnus helping Peter saddle his horse.

"Hey." Susan breathed.

Peter glanced up at the two and gave them a small smile. "Hi." He replied simply.

Edmund took a deep breath. "You ready?" He asked, already walking over to Philip.

Peter glanced at Tumnus who nodded his head. "You're ready." He said, and Susan helped Peter onto his horse. "Alright?" She asked hesitantly.

Peter steadied himself before nodding slowly. "I - I think so." He mumbled.

"Just hold onto the reins and grip with your knees." Edmund said, before Philip started off at a small trot towards the woods.

Peter nodded and did what Edmund had said, his horse following Philip.

"Have fun!" Susan called after them both.

"We will!" Edmund called back, but his voice cracked half way through.

Once the two were in the woods and out of sight from Cair, Edmund turned to Peter. "Getting the hang on it?" He asked, his heart for some reason pounding.

Peter took a deep breath before answering. "I think so." He mumbled, before breathing out. "You're right, riding is fun."

Edmund almost smiled a little at this, but sighed instead. "It is." He mumbled.

"You alright?" Peter asked suddenly.

Edmund swallowed hard. "Yeah I'm good." He muttered.

"I hope you know I've been told by your sister to keep an eye on you." Peter said, starting up a different conversation. "You know, in case you fall asleep again."

Edmund managed a small smirk at this, shaking his head. "Of course she wouldn't let me go out riding without asking someone to watch me."

Peter smiled a little. "She said you fell ill, and that's why you're still so tired?" He questioned.

Edmund nodded. "That's right." He murmered. "I was very ill."

"You're good now though?" Peter asked, a small frown on his face.

"Yeah I'm good." Edmund replied, gripping the reins so tightly his knuckles were starting to go white.

"That's good then." Peter said slowly.

Edmund nodded. "I guess." He whispered.

Peter took a deep breath. "So, where are we heading?" He asked.

Edmund thought for a moment. "We'll just ride until we find somewhere we can stop for lunch I suppose." He said. "Susan packed us food." He added, nodding to the bag he'd hung from Philip's saddle.

Peter nodded. "Sounds good." He said. "I think I'm getting the hang on this though."

Edmund swallowed hard. "Well, when you have I'll teach you how to gallop." He said.

Peter snorted. "Knowing me I'd probably fall straight off." He laughed.

"No you won't." Edmund said. "I'll teach you to ride bare back too."

Peter laughed again. "That definitely isn't a good idea." He said.

Edmund sighed. You've done it plenty of times before. He kept the thought to himself though and instead just nodded. "Alright then." He breathed out, forcing a small smile onto his face.

The two continued for a while in silence, Edmund watching Peter closley without him knowing. Watching as he tried to get the hang on riding, watching as he glanced around the woods like he'd never been there before, watched as he smiled back at him, all the while having no idea that it was his little brother he was smiling at.

"Thanks for this by the way." Peter said suddenly, breaking the silence. "Taking time out of your day to teach me to ride."

Edmund took a deep breath. "No need to thank me." He said, once again forcing a smile.

Peter nodded a little. "I'm sure-" But he stopped dead when a loud howl reached his ears, causing his eyes to go wide in alarm. "What in the world was that?!"

Edmund's heart skipped a beat and fear consumed him as another howl was heard. "It-" He took a deep breath before swallowing hard. "It's a wolf."


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