26: Just be brave

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"Ed?" Susan whispered as she sat on the edge of her brothers bed, sighing at the fact that he'd slept for most of the evening and right through the night, which only proved just how exhausted he was. "Ed, I brought you some breakfast."

Edmund frowned a little as his eyes flickered open. He looked confused for a moment before his eyes fell on Susan, instantly filling with tears as his face fell. "Please tell me it was all a bad dream." He whispered, voice choked.

Susan sighed. "I wish I could." She murmered. "But I'm afraid it happened, Peter doesn't remember a thing."

Edmund swallowed hard before taking a deep breath and slowly sitting up against the headboard, wincing as he did seeming as the lashes on his back still hadn't completely healed yet. "I was hoping that maybe it was." He mumbled, voice now wiped of any emotion.

"You aren't the only one." Susan sighed as she handed Edmund the bowl of porridge she'd brought up for him. "Also, I've been meaning to ask... do you remember any of the dreams you had whilst you were ill?"

Edmund sat there for a moment, a small frown on his face before he eventually shook his head. "No." He whispered. "I don't remember a thing."

Susan couldn't help but smile a little at this and placed a hand on Edmund's shoulder gently. "That's a relief." She breathed.

"You remember them though?" Edmund asked. "I think I might of told you some things."

Susan nodded slowly. "A few." She said. "But I'm not repeating what you told me, you don't remember and it's going to stay that way, okay?"

Edmund answered with a nod and glanced up when the door opened, revealing Lucy, a sad smile on her face.

"You alright Lu?" Susan asked as their sister walked over to join them.

Lucy nodded a little before talking. "We're going to spend the day down the beach." She told them. "All of us."

"All of us as in... Peter to?" Edmund practically whispered.

Lucy gave him a nod. "We want to atleast try and give him his memories back, and if that doesn't work, we can at least try and make friends with him, he already said he liked me."

Susan reached over and gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. "He's always liked you Lu." She said gently. "You're his little sister."

"But he doesn't know that though." Lucy choked, one tear sliding down her cheek.

"Deep down he knows who you are Lucy." Susan told her. "Deep down, the Peter we know is still there."

Lucy sniffed quietly before sitting on the edge of the bed and wrapping her arms around her older sister, burying her face against her shoulder and taking a deep, shaky breath.

Susan held her for a long while, one hand on her back but the other placed gently on Edmund's knee to give him some sort of comfort, before she pulled away. "Well then," She breathed. "Let's get down the beach shall we."

Lucy managed to cheer up a little before nodding. "Will you be alright?" She asked, turning to face Edmund.

Edmund hesitated.

"If anything the fresh air will do him good." Susan answered instead, raising her eyebrow at her brother. "You've been stuck inside for weeks, you need fresh air."

"It's not like there isn't air inside." Edmund grumbled, a smirk on his face which earned a giggle from Lucy and a raised an eyebrow from Susan. "Right, sorry." He added hastily, but he was still smirking

"Come on." Susan said, standing from the bed. "Edmund you need to get changed, you'll be alright?" 

"I'll be fine." Edmund said with a nod.

Susan smiled gently at him before nodding back. "Meet us when you're ready, we'll wait for you in the nearest sitting room." She told him, before leading Lucy from the room. 

"Is - Is he okay?" Lucy asked hesitantly as they walked slowly down the corridor.

Susan sighed. "Honestly I don't think so." She murmered. 

Lucy looked down at her feet as she walked. "Aslan says there's still hope though." She said a moment later, raising her head.

Susan smiled at her. "So he did." She breathed. "And let's hope he's right, for all of our sakes including Peter's."

Lucy nodded as they reached the living room, where Peter and Aslan actually happened to be waiting for them. They both looked up when the door opened and Lucy felt her heart skip a beat when Peter smiled at her, but she knew that Peter had no idea she was his sister.

"Lucy told me we were gonna spend the day down the beach." Susan said after taking a deep breath.

"I think it would be good for all of us." Aslan said.

Susan nodded in agreement. "Edmund's just getting changed." She explained.

"Was he alright after yesterday?" 

Susan was surprise at the question that came from Peter, and actually found herself confused over the fact that Peter did truly seem to care. "He - He's alright now, he slept right through the night so he's not as tired as he was." She said eventually, swallowing hard.

"That's good." Peter mumbled, actually placing a hand on Lucy's shoulder when she walked over to stand beside him, and whilst everyone knew it wasn't because of his usual "Big brother instincts" It did make them all smile.

They waited for another ten minutes before the door opened and Edmund very hesitantly walked into the room, and Susan knew without being told that he'd been stood outside for the last minute. "You ready?" She asked, deciding not to mention it.

Edmund took a deep breath and nodded his head slightly. "Yeah." He breathed. "I'll feel better once I get outside though." He added, and Susan hated how his voice still sounded weak... but what with the amount of screaming Edmund had done over the past couple of weeks, she couldn't say she was really surprised. 

Ignoring that thought she smiled and nodded her head, walking over and wrapping her arm around Edmund's shoulders, already leading him towards the door. "Be brave Ed." She whispered in his ear. "Talk to him, be nice, don't get upset." 

Edmund swallowed hard, unsure of what to say.

Susan sighed before whispering: "Just be brave."


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