31: There's something we need

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"A wolf?" Peter asked, sounding confused.

Edmund nodded, another howl echoing through the woods... it, or they, were close. "Peter, get down from the horse." He said quickly, slipping from Philip. "Philip, go back to Cair and get help."

Philip stared at him. "But-"

"Philip now." Edmund snapped. "Go."

The horse didn't look too happy but raced off back through the woods, Peter's horse following the second Peter was on the ground.

Edmund sighed. "Should've actually sent you back too." He muttered as Peter walked over and stood beside him.

Peter frowned. "No." He said simply. "I'll help."

"You're unarmed Peter." Edmund said slowly. "You won't stand a chance."

"Then why don't we both just go back now?" Peter asked, sounding slightly panicked.

"The wolves are too close." Edmund told him. "If we ran, they'd catch us and kill us before we even stood a chance."

Peter looked extremely alarmed at this, and didn't do anything when Edmund pushed him to the side and shoved him down behind a nearby bush. "Stay here and don't move." He muttered under his breath.

Peter knelt down and nodded slowly, watching as Edmund walked a fare distance away from the bush, his sword held out in front of him.

Edmund waited, until just as he expected, five wolves made themselves known, surrounding him and growling.

Five? How an earth was he supposed to take on five at the same time? and by himself too.

Shaking his head Edmund took a deep breath, he had to do this, for his sake and Peter's. So he tightened his grip on his sword and opened his mouth. "What do you want?" He snapped.

The wolf that was in front of him chucked. "So..." It snarled. "It's the traitor."

Edmund winced, his heart skipping a beat, and Peter found himself frowning from his hiding spot. Traitor?

"I - I asked," Edmund choked, trying not to show his fear. "What do you want?"

"That's simple really." The wolf laughed. "We want you dead."

Edmund should've expected that, but it still didn't stop the way his heart began to pound.

"But theres something we need to do first." The wolf added quickly.

Edmund took a deep breath. "And what's that?" He asked, trying to keep his voice from shaking.

The wolf grinned, and Edmund watched carefully as a hag appeared and slowly walked over to stand beside it, holding none other than the witches wand in her hand.

The last time Edmund had seen that was when Peter had traded it for him. It was obvious that after Aslan had saved him from Jadis's spell that the wand had been restored back to It's broken form, but something told Edmund that that wasn't going to matter. "What - What are you doing with that?" He asked, sounding unsure. 

The hag grinned. "We need it." She almost whispered.

"For - For what?" Edmund asked hesitantly, although deep down he was pretty sure he already knew the answer.

"To bring the "white witch" back of course." The hag laughed.

Edmund felt sick. "You - you can't do that." He whispered, eyes wide with fear.

"But we can." The hag replied. "All we need is the wand and your blood, and seeming as we have the wand and you can't go anywhere, then I think we're sorted."

Edmund glanced around at the other wolves, knowing instantly that there was no where he could go.

"Drop your sword." The hag told him, a warning tone to her voice.

Edmund glanced back at her and slowly shook his head, but immediately regretted it.

Pain shot through his leg when one of the wolves sunk their teeth into his skin, causing him to collapse and drop his weapon, groaning in pain and gasping when the wolf finally let go.

Peter's eyes went wide from where he was watching behind the bush, half of him wanting to help, but the other half telling him to stay where he was.

But he felt... angry at the wolves, almost as if they were hurting someone he loved, almost as if they were hurting his family... if he had any that is.

Edmund took a deep breath and reached for his sword, but the hag saw this and quickly kicked it away, a smirk spread across her ugly face.

Glaring at her, Edmund slowly managed to stand, wincing and biting back a cry of pain as his leg throbbed harshly, blood slowly spilling from the wound. "You won't get away with this." He snapped.

The hag laughed. "We already have."

Edmund swallowed hard. "I'd die before I let you bring her back." He spat.

Peter had no idea why, but a surge of fear ran through him when Edmund said this, leaving him a little confused.

"By all means die." The hag said casually. "It'll be easier for us to take your blood."

Edmund took a deep breath before sighing, noticing the wolves surrounding him had gotten a lot closer, and then noticing a werewolf had appeared, and this made his fear double.

"Grab him." The hag said with only a nod of her head.

The werewolf grabbed Edmund, and he didn't even bother trying to escape, it was pointless.

The hag approached Edmund, pulling a dagger from somewhere in her cloak. "Can't have you running away now can we?" She whispered, grinning widely as she sliced the knife across each of Edmund's legs, causing them to buckle beneath him as he let out a loud cry of pain.

The werewolf kept Edmund up, but he was practically dangling from its hold when the hag sliced at his legs again.

He barely had time to register anything before he was punched soundly across the face, blood rolling instantly from his nose and leaving him seeing stars.

"That'll do." He heard the hag whisper. "But just one more thing."

Edmund's heart pounded as the hag placed the tip of the dagger to his stomach, in exactly the same spot as the witch had stabbed him at Beruna.

"I reckon Jadis will be very happy if she comes back to see you laying on the floor, slowly bleeding to death." The hag whispered, her voice alone making Edmund feel sick.

"You evil little-"

"Ah ah ah." The hag cut him off before he could say anything else, pushing down on the dagger so it cut through his tunic and dug into the scar. "Don't make this worse for yourself."

Edmund almost laughed. "How can this get any worse?" He choked, trying his hardest to ignore the pain from his legs.

The hag only raised an eyebrow. "Oh," She laughed. "Trust me, I can make this a lot worse." With every word she spoke, she sunk the dagger deeper into Edmund's stomach, and whilst it wasnt deep enough to cause any damage, it definitely did cause him a lot of pain.

He cried out and doubled over, wishing he could use his hands to protect himself, but the werewolf had hold of his arms and wasnt letting go anytime soon.

But then came a voice from behind them, and Edmund nearly started sobbing at what it said, and who said it, relief washing over him and leaving him with no strength whatsoever.

"Get your filthy hands off my little brother."


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