32: You're my brother

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Edmund was suddenly forced by the werewolf to turn around, gasping sharply as the hag pulled the dagger from his stomach before he sagged against the creature behind him.

But he couldn't of felt happier when he was able to see his brother.

Peter was stood a short way away, a scowl spread across his face, but Edmund could see the fear in his bright blue eyes even if no one else could.

"P - Peter?" Edmund choked out, but it came out more as a whimper.

Peter glanced at his brother. "It's alright Ed." He breathed. "You're gonna be alright, you're my brother and I won't let them hurt you again."

One tear rolled steadily down Edmund's cheek. He remembered! He rememberd everything.

"Come any closer and I won't hesitate to run your brother through." The hag spoke up, pressing the tip of her knife to Edmund's chest.

Edmund's breathing picked up speed and tears blurred his vision, his head swimming as he tried to keep his eyes on Peter.

Peter glanced around, before taking a few steps to the side and picking up Edmunds sword, glad that it was close enough for him to reach. "I said," He mumbled, his voice almost a whisper. "Get your filthy, vile hands off of my brother."

The hag didn't look threatened at all. "You so much as move that sword towards any of us, he'll die." She snapped, pressing down harder on the dagger as if to prove a point.

"You do that and I swear I will make your last days as painful as I can possibly manage." Peter snapped back, his hand tightening around the sword.

Edmund watched him closley, unsure if he had a plan or not. He could hear the fear in Peter's voice, hear the slight shake in it, and knew he was scared, scared to lose his brother again, so soon after getting his memories back.

"All we need is a drop of his blood." The hag explained as if it was totally acceptable.

"You've spilt more than one drop of his blood." Peter said, voice calm but deadly as he glanced at Edmund's legs, stomach and nose, and Edmund could see the fear once again in his eyes. "And believe me when I say there is absolutely no way Jadis is getting her hands on my brother again."

The hag laughed. "I hadn't finished." She whispered. "All I need is one drop of his blood, and then Jadis can have him. She can do whatever she wants to him, I just thought it would be fun for him to be at the point of death when she returned. She could either let him die, or heal him and have some fun."

Edmund's shuddered, and he knew Peter saw it.

He gasped sharply when he was forced to his knees, crying out in pain before the werewolf grabbed his hair and yanked his head back, leaving his neck exposed to the hags dagger, which she moved up from his chest, a grin spread across her face as she ran it along Edmund's pale, bloody skin.

"I swear you hurt him again and you won't live long enough to regret it." Peter spat, aware that the five wolves were getting closer the more he spoke.

The hag seemed to ignore him completely as she spoke. "It appears that no matter what we do, Jadis won't be returning today." She said. "At least not by the traitors blood."

Peter swallowed hard. Does that mean they were gonna let him go?

"But," the hag said, causing Peter's heart to skip a beat... of course not. "That doesn't mean he has to live."

"You touch him and I swear-!"

"Oh, but you won't risk coming a step closer." The hag cut him off, before nodding at the werewolf.

The werewolf threw Edmund to the floor, where he landed on his stomach with a loud cry, and he almost heard Peter take a deep breath.

"Here's how this is gonna work." The hag said, a hint of amusement in her voice that made Peter shiver. "These wolves here will give your brother a long, painful death, but if you so much as move, then all it takes is one claw across his neck for it all to be over."

Edmund swallowed hard, unable to ignore the five wolves that were slowly surrounding him, and he quickly glanced over at Peter.

For the first time, Peter showed his fear to everyone, and not just Edmund. "Don't you dare." He practically whispered. "I swear it- or you will answer to me!"

The hag chuckled. "I answer to no one." She said, before nodding at the wolves.

Peter couldn't tear his eyes away as one of them slowly walked up to Edmund and sliced his claws up his arm, his little brother shaking from the pain and trying to keep back a scream.

"I mean it!" Peter cried. "Stop it or you'll regret it."

But the wolves didn't stop and the hag didn't tell them too, and after thirty seconds... Edmund eventually screamed.

Peter had hardly taken one step before the hag warned him with a look, nodding back to Edmund where one of the wolves now had his paw at his brother's neck. "Let. Him. Go." Peter whispered.

"No." The hag chuckled.

So the next time the hag turned away to watch Edmund screaming in pain, Peter took aim, and threw the sword.

The sword was much harder to throw than a dagger, but he managed it and almost grinned as it met it's mark... embedding itself in the hags heart.

The hag gave a loud screech, almost drowned out when Edmund screamed again, before dropping to the floor, going still a second or two later, much to Peter's relief.

Everyone was silent, the wolves stopping their torture to turn to the dead body of their leader... but then, of all things, one laughed.

"You killed one of us." He said. "There's still six left." He scratched his claw along Edmund's face again, earning a whimper from the young boy, followed by a scream when another wolf scratched along his stomach, digging as deep as he pleased.

Peter took a deep breath, glancing down at Edmund, where one wolf all of a sudden sunk his teeth back into his leg in exactly the same place as before.

That did it, Edmund's control snapped and his eyes went insanely wide. "Peter!"


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