12: They already do

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"Where did they say this flower grows?" Philip asked as the two wondered through the woods. They had just continued their journey after a couple hours rest, although in Peter's case, not really sleep.

"somewhere on the outskirts of Narnia." Peter answered. "The healer gave me a map, it's in my bag, we should probably have to get it out soon."

Philip nodded and hesitated. "And, what will happen when you pick it?" He almost whispered.

Peter sighed. "I'll slowly start to forget everything." He choked. "So promise me that no matter how much I forget, that you will keep telling me that all I have to do is follow you with the flower, make sure I get back Philip, please."

"Of course I will." Philip said without a second thought. "I'll get you back to Cair even if I have to forcefully carry you there."

Peter managed a weak chuckle at this. "Thank you." He murmered, giving Philip a light pat on the neck. "And - And when we get back, promise you'll let my siblings know I love them?"

"They already do." Philip said gently, getting a small smile from Peter.


Susan's head snapped up from the book she'd been reading when Edmund all of a sudden began muttering in his sleep.

It was probably around 5pm now, and Edmund had tried his hardest to stay awake for as long as he could, but he'd been asleep for perhaps half an hour now... half an hour and he was already having a nightmare.

Waiting for a couple of seconds to see if Edmund would relax again, and after realising that he wasn't going to do that, Susan stood from where she'd been sat on Peter's bed and ran over to Edmund, sitting beside him and running a hand through his hair. "Ed?" She whispered gently. "Ed it's okay, it's only a dream, come on I promise, just wake up."

But Edmund continued muttering, tears rolling down his cheeks before he let out a hoarse cry, thrashing against the blankets even as Susan tried to grab his hands.

"Ed please wake up!" Susan cried, giving her brother a firm but gentle shake.

Edmund let out another scream, his voice full of pure and utter terror before his breathing picked up speed.

Susan swallowed hard. "Edmund please wake up!" She shouted. "Wake up Ed!"

Edmund once again screamed, long and agonising, and two seconds later Lucy burst through the door, her eyes going wide when she saw her older brother.

"He won't wake up." Susan choked, turning to face Lucy even as she still gripped Edmund's arms.

Lucy swallowed hard and dashed across the room, sitting beside Susan just as Edmund screamed again. "What - what about my cordial?" She asked.

Susan took a deep breath. "It's worth a try." She whispered. "It weakens the illness, so therefore it might weaken the nightmares."

Lucy nodded and quickly grabbed her coridal, undoing it and allowing one drop to fall into Edmund's open mouth.

Edmund did seem to relax after this, his screaming stopping, his breathing evening out a little, but he was still sobbing, muttering under his breath and tossing his head back and forth.

"Did it work?" Lucy asked hopefully.

"I think so." Susan mumbled, reaching up to brush the sweaty hair from Edmund's forehead. "Ed?" She whispered. "Ed come on, it's only a dream, wake up."

It took almost a minute, but eventually Edmund's eyes flickered open, and he frowned at Susan and Lucy, staring at their anxious faces.

"You alright?" Susan asked gently.

Edmund blinked at her, swallowing hard. "I-" He stopped, taking a deep breath and squeezing his eyes shut. "It was Jadis. She - she-"

"Okay shh." Susan whispered. "You don't have to talk."

Edmund let out a quiet sob. "I want Peter." He choked, shaking his head slightly and pulling against Susan's grip on his arm.

Susan's heart broke. "I know Ed." She murmered. "We all do, but he's gone, Peter is gone."

"No." Lucy said slowly, shaking her head. "He's not gone... just everything the makes him."

One tear slipped down Susan's cheek when Lucy said this, and she let Edmund pull away from her. "Ed." She whispered.

"Go - Go after him." Edmund choked, tears rolling continuously down his cheeks. "Find him before he finds the flower."

"Ed." Susan sighed, placing a hand on his knee. "I can't do that."

"Yes you can!" Edmund sobbed. "Find him, stop him from doing this, I don't want him to! I'd rather die, please Susan."

Susan took a deep breath. "Even if someone went after him he wouldn't listen." She murmered.

"Maybe he'll listen to me then." Edmund choked out after a moment or two, and before Susan even knew what was happening Edmund had pulled back the blankets and was attempting to get out of bed.

"Edmund what an earth are you doing?!" She exclaimed, quickly holding him back.

"I need to find Peter." Edmund sobbed, struggling weakly against her hold.

"Ed you're way too ill." Susan said firmly. "You can't even stand."

It was obvious Edmund agreed with her, because he stopped struggling and collapsed against her, crying silently into her shoulder.

"Oh... Eddy." Susan whispered, knowing Peter used that nickname to calm Edmund down.

But Edmund only froze before shaking his head. "Don't call me that." He choked. "Only Peter calls me that."

Susan sighed. "Alright." She murmered.

"But he'll never call me it again." Edmund choked, panick starting to makes it's way into his voice.

"Shh." Susan whispered quickly. "It's okay."

Edmund shook his head and quickly pulled away from Susan, leaning over the side of the bed before he threw up, gripping Susan's hand so tightly Susan winced.

But she ignored it and gently began to rub her hand up and down Edmund's back as he threw up, whispering reassuringly under her breath.

After a rather long while Edmund collapsed back against Susan, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Everything's gonna be okay Ed." Susan whispered into his ear. "I promise."


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