3: As long as you're safe

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"Surely you must've found something?" Peter sighed. "It's been five days."

One of the healers sighed a little. "We think we're on to something." He said slowly. "But we can't say just yet."

Peter ran a hand through his hair before nodding slowly. "Well, please let me know as soon as possible." He said.

"Of course I will." The healer said immediately, bowing his head.

Peter nodded a little before opening the bedroom door again and stepping inside, seeing his younger brother fast asleep in bed, buried beneath the blankets.

Walking closer he saw that Edmund seemed to be shivering, although the sweat was still pouring down his forehead.

Swallowing hard, Peter grabbed the cold flannel and pressed it to Edmund's forehead, sitting down on the edge of the bed and placing his other hand on his shoulder, sighing sadly when Edmund didn't even stir at his touch.

"Oh Ed." He murmered, voice choked.

The last five days had been horrible, Edmund had slept for most of the time, which led to countless nightmares where he'd wake up screaming, calling for Peter and sounding so terrified it broke Peter's heart. He'd hardly eaten, and was now too thin for Peter's liking, but no matter how much he tried to coax his brother, he never managed to eat much. Whenever he was actually awake, he would just sit there and stare into space, hardly speaking, hardly doing anything except curling against Peter everytime his older brother so much as sat on the edge of the bed.
His injuries were taking longer to heal than Peter would've liked, and even now his arm was still in a sling, much to Peter's worry.

Peter was brought from his thoughts when he heard Edmund whisper his name, and looking down saw his younger brother staring up at him, a small frown on his face. "Hey." Peter murmered gently, reaching up and placing a hand on the top of Edmund's head. "How you feeling?"

Edmund swallowed hard. "No better than I was yesterday." He said lightly, even managing a small smile, but Peter could easily tell it was forced. "Have - Have they found anything?"

Peter swallowed hard. "They said they might be close." He answered. "But no, they haven't found a specific cure yet."

"Where are Aslan and the girls?" Edmund asked as he slowly sat up, wincing a little at the pain just doing that caused him.

"Aslan took the girls out to the beach for the day." Peter sighed. "They need it, to take their minds off everything that's going on, especially Lucy."

Edmund nodded slowly in agreement before reaching forward and grabbing Peter's hand.

Peter got the unspoken hint and shuffled around until he was leaning against the headboard, before he carefully pulled Edmund into a hug, Edmund resting his head on his chest.

"Are you going to eat some lunch later?" Peter asked after a short while of silence, hope in his voice.

Edmund took a deep breath. "I suppose I should try." He whispered, although he didn't look too happy about it.

"This illness isn't exactly making you stronger Edmund." Peter mumbled. "Starving yourself isn't going to help."

"I know." Edmund breathed, before sighing. "I hate being ill." He muttered, his arm coming up to wrap around Peter's waist.

"I know." Peter sighed. "But you'll get better soon."

Edmund shook his head. "You don't know that." He whispered.

"Yes I do Edmund." Peter said firmly but still softly. "You're going to get better, I won't let you die."

Edmund sighed but decided not to say anything else, and instead just buried his face against Peter's neck. "My head hurts." He choked after a while.

"Badly?" Peter asked, sympathy in his voice.

"Yeah." Edmund mumbled. "Badly."

"Do you wanna go back to sleep?" Peter asked, almost dreading if Edmund were to say yes.

But Edmund shook his head. "Not really no." He sighed. "Imma stay awake for a little while."

Peter nodded a little and sighed. "Alright." He breathed, reaching up and running his hand up and down the back of Edmund's neck.

He looked up when there was a knock at the door, and his heart skipped a beat when the healer stepped in.

"Your majesty." He said, staring at Peter with something of a smile on his face. "We think we've found a cure."

Peter didn't even try and hide his relief at this, and placed a kiss to Edmund's head. "Really?"

The healer nodded. "Yeah." He replied. "But, it's gonna take quite a bit of explaining, and I have a feeling at least one of you is definitely not going to like it."

Peter's relief almost disappeared completely when the healer said this, but he took a deep breath and nodded his head. "Would you be able to send word to my sisters and Aslan? Ask them to come here and then you can explain what you've found?"

"Certainly your majesty." The healer said with a bow before hurrying from the room.

"Hear that Ed? They've found a cure." Peter breathed, burying his face against Edmund's hair.

"But, he said at least one of us isn't going to like it." Edmund choked, sounding scared. "Do you think he means me?"

Peter sighed. "I don't know Ed." He mumbled.

"Or what if he means I won't be happy about it because it puts you or the girls in danger." Edmund said quickly, eyes wide with worry.

"Shh." Peter murmered, trying to keep Edmund calm. "I'm sure that's not the case, and even if it did put, say me in danger, I'd still find the cure, I don't care as long as you're safe."

Edmund was about to open his mouth to argue, but stopped dead when the door burst open, Susan and Lucy running in.

"That was quick." Peter said.

"We were coming to get some lunch anyway." Susan explained as the healer followed them into the room. "You've found a cure?"

The healer nodded, but didn't say anything, waiting patiently for Aslan to enter.

"Right." Peter breathed whilst they were all together. "Tell me how we save our brother."


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