23: Peter's home

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After perhaps fifteen minutes, Susan was walking slowly down the corridors towards Edmund's room, wiping at her eyes and hoping her face wasn't red enough to give away that she'd been crying.

She reached the door, but just as she reached for the door handle she heard a terrifying scream, followed by Lucy's panicked shout.

She burst into the room and quickly glanced ahead, her eyes going wide when she saw Edmund thrashing around under the covers, obviously trapped in a nightmare... and it must of been one hell of a dream.



Edmund let out a quiet sob as the voice echoed around the ice cell, causing him to shudder and for his heart to begin pounding in his chest, his breathing picking up too."Please." He whispered, shaking his head. "Please don't."

"Please don't, what?" The witch mocked, a smirk spread across her face as she circled Edmund.

Edmund swallowed hard, two tears rolling slowly down his cheeks. "Please don't hurt me." He whispered, shaking his head again.

The witch only laughed. "Well, where would be the fun in that?" She said, standing behind him and placing a hand on the top of his head.

Edmund flinched away, but gasped when Jadis suddenly wrapped her hand around his neck and squeezed. He couldn't breathe! He struggled against the witches grip, eyes wide as he did, until he began to feel light headed.

He was about to pass out when the witch let him go, pushing him to the ground as she did.

Edmund breathed in deeply, not even registering how he hit his head on the icy floor and only concentrating on breathing as deeply as he could. He let out a few hacking coughs as tears streamed down his cheeks, shaking his head slowly. "Please." He choked, voice now so hoarse he could hardly even talk.

"Save your breath." Jadis spat, kicking Edmund down so he was laying on his stomach, still coughing slightly.

Edmund knew it was coming, but that still didn't stop him from screaming in pain when a whip tore through the skin on his back, his heart pounding as he waited for the next one.

Sure enough it came, followed by another fifteen lashes before Jadis threw the whip aside.

Edmund was sobbing by now, forcing himself to stop screaming for the moment and Jadis circled him again, before rolling him onto his back and holding him down.

Edmund screamed as the lashes pressed against the icy floor, but he screamed even louder when a knife was shoved into his shoulder, before being harshly yanked out again, only to enter his other should only seconds later.

The witch gave a cruel laugh before yanking Edmund into a sitting position and twisting one of his arms behind his back, earning a loud moan from him followed by a sob as he coughed and blood spilled briefly over his lips.

Edmund's mind was screaming in pain, but he himself was too weak to do much except whimper. The pain from his now possibly dislocated shoulder, plus the wound was causing him absolute agony, and he just sat there and cried.

The witch let him go and gave him a few moments to somewhat recover, before slicing her dagger across his chest, Edmund managing to let out a scream this time. "Stop!" He cried. "Please stop it!"

The witch laughed, and was about to say something when Edmund felt something land on his tongue, before everything, including the witch, began to fade.. and he'd never felt so relieved in his life.


Edmund's eyes snapped open and he let out a cry as he sat bolt upright, immediately collapsing back down again because of how weak he was.

"Ed, Ed it's okay, it was only a dream!"

Managing to calm down slightly, Edmund glanced around, to see both Susan and Lucy sat on the bed with him, Lucy with her coridal in her hands and Susan gripping his shoulders, eyes wide and red as she stared at him.

There was complete silence for a rather long time, before Edmund layed his head on the pillows and took a deep breath, nodding his head. "Yeah I know." He choked, one tear rolling slowly down his cheek.

"Bad?" Susan murmered, reaching for a damp cloth and placing it to Edmund's forehead.

"It was horrible." Edmund choked. "And the pain-" He trailed off, closing his eyes slowly as he sighed.

"It's over." Susan whispered. "It was only a dream, it's over now, I promise."

Edmund swallowed hard and gave her a forced smile and a nod before speaking again. "Have they found Peter yet?" He murmered, hope in his eyes as well as tears.

Susan hesitated, she didn't want to lie to him, but if the cure wasn't ready then she couldn't exactly have Edmund getting out of bed, which is why she was extremely relieved when there was a knock at the door and a healer walked it, carrying a glass of what seemed to be water, but it had a blue-ish tinge to it, and Susan new it was the cure.

"We have the cure your majesty." The healer said with a bow.

Edmund's eyes went wide. "What?" He practically whispered.

Susan smiled and turned back to her brother. "They have the cure Edmund." She told him. "You're gonna be fine."

Edmund swallowed hard before taking a deep breath. "Does - does this mean Peter's home?" He choked, staring at Susan with a look of pleading in his dark brown eyes.

Susan gave him an almost sad smile and a gentle nod, wiping the cloth across his forehead before answering. "Yes Edmund." She breathed. "Peter's home."


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