Chapter Twenty

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I lazily went downstairs, not ready to face anyone, I lied down on the couch and closed my eyes, it was so peaceful and silent, it was the silence before the storm.

" What happened to you?" Someone asked

Here we go, I opened my one eye to look who it is, it was Tyler.

I closed my eyes again and shooed him away, " Leave me alone"

" Well if you wanna be left alone, you wouldn't have came downstairs" he stated, well that makes sense.

I sat upright immediately and put my head in my hands, trying to analyze the situation of the last night. Tyler sat beside me.

" Well I'm listening..." He said

" Just thinking about last night" I answered

Suddenly a voice boomed in the hall,
" Naira and Tyler pack your bags, we're leaving" it was Kartik's voice

" What is he? Our mom?" Tyler mocked him

" I heard you" Kartik shouted again from upstairs

" It was meant to be heard" Tyler shouted back

" But why are we going and where?" I said irritated

" Guess we'll find out" Tyler said as he pointed at some luggage being dragged downstairs by the servants


" Why am I even with you guys?" I said narrowing my eyes at the three of them.

" I can fu!ing say the same thing" David said bitterly from the front seat.

Tyler was driving, David was sitting in the passenger seat while Kartik and I were in the back seat. I asked why are we going and where, well he didn't said anything about where, but he did said that they're going for some business, and he can't leave me alone there.

I wanted to go in the other car but Kartik said that we all will go in the same car, as he has to discuss something with David and Tyler and ordered me to tag along, literally dragged me to the same car as David. Does he want me to die?

Tension was visible in the car as no one was talking, Tyler tried to break the tension but after receiving death glares from David and Kartik, he just shut his mouth.

" So what business you're going for?" I asked again

" A ball" Kartik replied in monotone

" A bloody ball, you're dragging me with you for a fu!ing ball" David said irritated

" Well if you actually work with the mafias rather than being a single army man, you would actually know how the business work in the mafia" Kartik said sternly which shut David right away

" I'm sure Lucas and Megan are going to enjoy their time" Tyler complained


We entered the penthouse of the hotel owned by Kartik. Ofcourse.

We  went to out separate rooms to get some rest, though Kartik was still not clear about his plans, but I think something suspicious is going on. There was a knock at the door, it was Kartik.

" I'm going for some work, want to tag along?" He asked

" Well as far as I remember you don't ask, you order" I replied, the memories still fresh in my mind

" Hey, see it was necessary, I need David to understand that you were not involved with your brother" he said

I lowered my gaze, " well what if I was" I said

He looked at me and then closed the door the behind him and sat beside me

" What if I helped my brother in killing several people just to save my life" I said, the guilt increasing with every second

" What if I am a selflish b!tch" I said, tears were starting to blurr my vision when I looked at Kartik who was intensely staring at me.

" What if...." I couldn't finish the sentence as I felt a rough pair lips on mine.

He kissed me briefly and said,
" Everyone has a dark past, something they regret , some mistakes they have to do, because they had no other choice, but we should not live in the guilt of our pasts but be fu!ing grateful of what we are today" he said

I never thought that Kartik Russo can say such things, he's different that I thought, maybe he has overcome his past mistakes, I dunno, but I want to know him, that's I'm sure of.

" I didn't knew, you can give motivation speeches as well" I giggled forgetting about the dark memories and leaned towards him

" Well you don't know half of the things I can do" he said and leaned for the kiss.

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