Chapter Thirty Nine

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Some months later:

" When are you going to open my blindfold?" I asked Kartik who was leading me somewhere

" I don't know, you're looking cute right now" he chuckled

" You know that I can use my powers" I threatened him but he just chukled.

I felt cold air on my skin which made me shiver

" Oh shit, I didn't realize it would be so cold up here" Kartik cursed himself and then I felt him wrapping his coat around me

" Please open the blindfold" I literally begged him this time

I felt his hand going at the back of my head and untying the knot, I opened my eyes slowly to adjust to the natural light and the view amazed me.

We were standing on the highest skyscraper, I've ever seen, at its top floor, the view was amazing from here.

" Look at the stars" Kartik whisper near my ear, his hot breath fanning near my neck, sending shivers down my body.
I turned to look at him, we were so close.

" I can do this all day, but look at the stars, they're jut here for today" he softly said and I looked up, the sky was clear so the stars were visible today, it looked beautiful with the city lights in the night.

"It's so beautiful" I exclaimed

He took my hand gently and guided me to a table, already set for us.

" You didn't have to do so much" I said as I noticed the decorations of the balcony and everything

Suddenly two waiters came and served us our dinner, I was so busy in admiring the view and the stars that I didn't even look at te food

" C'mon have something" came Kartik's voice

I was a little bit embarrassed and started eating my dinner, he chuckled looking at my reaction and continued with his dinner too.

" So now what?" I asked when I finished my food, I looked up to him and he immediately planted a kiss on my lips.

" Will you marry me?" He asked

I was so stunned, first the kiss and now the proposal

" You know I'm leaning on the table right now, will you answer fast" Kartik said showing his discomfort

I laughed at his condition, " yes I will happily marry you" I said and he immediately slipped a ring on my finger.

I was so happy, that I kept looking at the ring and admiring it. I went downstairs to see a gloomy David sitting at the table with Lucas, Tyler and a sleepy Kartik, who were trying to talk to him.

" Hey, what happened?" I asked as I took a seat next to him

But David didn't answer, " I think it has something to do with Emily" Lucas replied

Emily was the girl David was in love with. When David came out of coma, he dealt with Eren and Megan, and then suddenly one day he opened his own company which is right now doing really well. He left all his assassin business and brought Emily home with him, though Emily doesn't live here with us, she has her own house but most part of the day they're together, trying to understand eachother, they both are new to this, that's why they're still shy in the presence of eachother.

" What happened, I'm asking for the last time David" I said in a bored tone

" She's crying, what do I do?" He said in a worried tone

" Did you guys fight? I asked

" No, it's something related to her family issues" he said

" Go comfort her" I said

David looked at me with a worried expression and then looked down again
" How do I do that?" Came his voice again

Lucas and Tyler were on the verge of bursting out, they were trying so hard to control their laughs. I glared at them, while Kartik smacked their heads

Tyler cleared his throat and said, " Start with hugs"

David looked at Tyler with a confused expression, and said, "With What??!"

I mentally facepalmed myself and buriedy face in my palms while Lucas and Tyler bursed out laughing finally and Kartik hit his head on the table.

                          • The End•


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