Chapter Thirty Five

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" I know who the mole is sis" Tyler smirked

" Don't just stand there smirking, tell me already" I looked at him, narrowing my eyes

" What are you two upto?" Came Kartik's voice from behind the door

Tyler's and my eyes widened in fear, Kartik entered the room slowly and looked at us intently as he closed the door behind him.

" Kartik...." I whispered

" Tyler told you everything, didn't he?" He asked shaking his head and rubbing his temples

I nodded

" I knew it, the way Tyler was looking at me during the dinner, I knew he was reading my mind" Kartik looked at Tyler with a blank expression

" Wait, why are you so calm about it" Tyler questioned him, as I gulped my own saliva due to the fear

" Didn't you both know, my father never really cared about me, If I would have cared about him, that person who had killed him would be 10 feets under the ground right now" he chuckled darkly as he looked at me

" But he was never really my father, so Naira I don't care what you did, I really don't, trust me" Kartik said as he bended to my level and cupped my face

" You don't?" I asked tears streaming down my eyes

" No" he replied

" But I still took a life" I said, regret visible in my tone

" You didn't Naira, Xavier made you do it, and if it makes you feel better, you killed the bad people" Kartik said giving me an assurance

I giggled when he used the word 'bad people' , it's funny to see him using unprofessional terms

" Now tell me who the mole is?" Kartik asked Tyler as he wiped the tears on my cheeks and kissed me on the forehead

" You really want to know?" Tyler asked showing a proud smile, because he knows he can only help us

" You're gonna tell or not, or shall I ask your sister to do something about it" Kartik threatened him, to which Tyler immediately gave in

" Not required, the mole is MEGAN" Tyler said with no emotion

I stood from the couch hearing about it

" You're lying right, stop playing around and tell us already" Kartik asked him again with a small smile on his lips

But Tyler neither smiled nor laughed he just gave a serious expression, Kartik's smile slowly diminished and he frowned.

" But how it can be?" I asked

" I didn't knew it in the starting because there were so many voices around me, but one day I heard a voice saying, ' don't worry Megan, everything's going according to the plan, though Kartik has come to his senses earlier than expected but we can handle that and take over his mafia easily', those were Megan's thoughts which took me sometime to figure it out, as I said I was a mess, but when Naira came back her thoughts became more negative, I was really scared, but it's all good now" Tyler explained his situation

" So Megan is the mole, shit, how are we going to tell Lucas about it" I said as I realized he really loved her

" So all those business trips were actually something else" Kartik said frowning

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