Chapter Twenty Two

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I'm really for being this late, and thanks to everyone who is reading my story.

I laid on the bed wide awake, then I heard the door open of my room very slowly as if someone was trying to sneak in, I immediately turned and tried to make out the person who was standing in my room.

" Shouldn't you be asleep?" Came Kartik's confused voice

" Shouldn't you be asleep in your ROOM at this hour?" I retorted back

" I was just checking up on you" he said closing the door behind him and laid on the other side of the bed

" Who gave you permission to sleep here?" I asked him narrowing my eyes

He leaned a bit closer towards me,
" Well this is my penthouse, I can do whatever I want"

I just scoffed and turned my back on him, grabbing all the comforter that I can

" You should have not listened to our conversation" he said slowly

" I wasn't, it's just when Tyler started shouting and then you started shouting, so I just wanted to check on you guys" I said softly

" You're behaving weirdly since then, are you ok?" Kartik asked

No I'm not ok, how can I be, I just want to run away from this world where nobody can find me, where nobody    fu!ing knows that I'm Naira Valentino. I hate myself, no sooner someone asks me if I'm ok or not, tears starts to well up in my eyes, my throat becomes dry, and I just want to sit in a dark corner of a room where nobody can see me.

" Y.. yes" I stuttered

" No you're not, turn around Naira now" Kartik said in an authoritative voice which can make anyone do anything, but I'm used to it now because of being ordered every time, I now know how to turn a blind ear to it.

" I'm ok" I said with more confident this time

Then I felt Kartik's hand on my shoulders and he turned me around, his face was really close to me, and the moment he caressed my cheek, I broke down.

" I don't know why are you crying, but it's gonna be ok" he said as he rubbed my back to calm me down

" What if the mole helps Xavier in kidnapping me again, what if he knows the real about me??" I managed to say between my cries

" Then let them know, because this time you're going to use your powers to protect yourself, I will always be there to protect you, but you should not be afraid of whatever is in you, trust me it's there to protect you only" he said trying to shake me out of my numbness

" But I killed people, many people" I said

" I also did, it's our lifestyle, our fate, you can't always run away from it, accept it, make it your power" he continued, " and  we don't kill unnecessary, we only kill the bad, not the innocent, because sometimes it takes a monster to kill a"

" Monster" we both said simultaneously


Naira's fears were controlling her all this time, the fear of her brother, the fear of death, fear of killing someone, it's good to have fears, but they should not control us , our mind should be free to make decisions, Will Naira be able to defeat her fears?


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