Chapter 23

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3 years later..

The people keep dance at the dance floor. The man who had blonde hair looked to the girls inside the club.

"Never change, Felix?" The man wear a shirt come join him.

"I just enjoyed the view..nothing more..Lino." Felix smirked.

"I heard Q's boss will come back the end of this month." Lino said. Felix looked to him.

"How you know?"

"Q told me.." Lino said.

"She will not come back.." Felix said while took a sip of alcohol. He leaned his against to the wall. lino shook his head. Lino gestured ti the group of girl to join them.

"Hi..its had been a long time not see you guys around here." The girls said.

"This man had heart broken.." Lino said while pointed to Felix. Felix rolled his eyes. The woman who had wear a short dress come seat next to him.


"I want to go to toilet.."

"Sit first bro.. these girls all from your university." Lino pulled Felix to sit down again. Felix sighed in heavy. Lea come closer to him and leaned her body to Felix. But Felix pushed her away. Lea pouted her lips.

"You should enjoy your 20's..don't waste your time to wait that girl."

"Don't bad mouth about her..Lino!" Felix stared with intense.

"I'm not mention anything. Chill bro." Lino said while pour alcohol on his cup again. Felix groaned and then he drank. He ignore the presence of the group of girls at there. He don't have a mood to have fun now. 'No one will replace her place inside my heart...' Felix said inside his heart.

* * *

Felix opened the door. His head feel dizzy as he drink a lot today. He walked in stumbled. Lea helped him to walk. Felix pushed Lea away from him.

"You can go back now.." Felix told in drunk. Lea im shocked as Felix chased her away.

"But I thought.."

"I will pay double than Lino paid you.." Felix said while took out his money. The girl bite her lips.


"How much he pay you to sleep with me?" Felix asked him. She didn't said it.

"I think its more than he pay you...Go now.." Felix said while put a money on her hand. Then, he closed the door and sighed in heavy. There is a man who sat at the living room.

"Why you live in miserable for three years?" The man asked.

"Its none of your Why you inside my condo?" Felix asked while went to kitchen. He took out the plain water and drink it for few gulp.

"My friends saw a woman had  a similar look like her at club..last Saturday."  Dong gun said suddenly.


"At new club." Dong gun told.


"Why you help me,dad?" Felix asked him.

"She changed you..because of her, you started to talk with me back.." Dong gun said while stood up. Felix looked to Dong gun.


"I will come to your race next week."

"Don't you had a heart attack?" Felix said in joke.

"Daehwi will accompany to watch your race." Dong gun said while smile.

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