Chapter 13

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Chaeyeon felt her head in dizzy. She woke up and looked around. Its not her room. Her clothes already changed. The door had been opened.

"What are you doing to me?" She asked while gave a stern glare to him.

"Don't think negative.. I'm not doing anything to you."

"How you change my clothes?" Chaeyeon questioned him.

"I swear I close my eyes.. i just took off it quickly and change vomit a lot." Felix told the truth about it. He seem not lie about it. Chaeyeon bite her lips.

"What happened to me yesterday?"

"You drink a lot.."


"You drunk and then get blackout after that..and I bring you to here." Felix said.

"My head dizzy.."

"I bring you a soup and plain water.." Felix said while come closer. Chaeyeon sat at the edge of bed.

"Mmm.. do I talk a nonsense things last night?" Chaeyeon asked him.

"You don't remember anything?"

"No.. I don't.. I drank too much." Chaeyeon said while looked to the bowl that Felix's passed to her. She took it. Felix looked to Chaeyeon and he remembered what happened last night after he brought her to come here.


"Uncle.. why you don't bring my lollipops?" She cried. Felix looked to her who sat on the floor. She being like a kid already. Felix don't know how to do with her.

"Chaeyeon.. shh.. you need to be quiet. If not all of my neighbors can hear your cry.." Felix said while kneeled down in front of her. She whined like a kid.

"I want lollipops.."

"Okay.. Okay.. I will buy for you tomorrow.,"


"Yes..I promise. Now get changed." Felix helped her to stand up. Chaeyeon stand up but she stumbled. Felix grabbed her waist and two of them looked each other. Chaeyeon touched his face.

"Why i feel so attached with you?" She asked him.

"You drunk.." Felix looked to her face and put her hand down. His heart beat pounded in fast. Chaeyeon chuckled.

"Yes.. I'm drunk.." Chaeyeon said while pushed his body away. She want to walk to bathroom. She kept stumbled. Felix helped her to bathroom. Chaeyeon quickly ran to sink and vomit all the things inside her stomach. Felix patted her back.

"Your action remind me to my mom.. when I still love her.." Chaeyeon said while lowered her head down. She wiped her mouth with clean water.

"What happened between you and your mom?" Felix asked.

"She hiding something behind my family.. And I know about it by accident." Chaeyeon said. Felix hold her shoulder and looked to her eyes. She seem didn't lied about it.

"When I know about it.. it makes me heartbroken so much.. Seriously I felt disgusted with her doing.." her tears running down.

"I'm sorry for asking you that.. I don't know it will remind you to.."

"I already hold about it for a long time.. Felix. She had been hiding and do that things for past these 7 years.." Chaeyeon leaned her face to Felix's chest. Felix patted her back.

She kept sobbing and whined about what happened to her mom and her. Felix just listened and comforted her by patted her back. 'Mmm.. I shouldn't hurt her.. she hold her feelings..she doesn't deserve to be hurt..' Felix said in his heart.

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