The Malfoy Manor

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Asterin's Pov:

Me and Draco basically did nothing but read books and burn ourselves outside in mums garden. We are headed into our 4th year at Hogwarts, my father was furious when he found out I was sorted into Ravenclaw, but his anger died down after a week. We go back to Hogwarts in about 2 weeks, I miss my friends even tho i barely had any. I am a little upset to go back tho because of Mattheo he always had a snarky comment to say about me being put into Ravenclaw. Tom on the other hand even tho he's a year higher than me we've become really good friends he stands up for me against Mattheo.

Draco's Pov:

Me and Asterin have been excitingly waiting for our letter for supplies for our next year. Although she's put into Ravenclaw my dad somehow convinced Dumbledore to put us in our own dorm, unlike Asterin i'm a bit more mean, she seems to get along with all the professors except for snape.

*1 week later*

Asterin's Pov:

We finally got our acceptance letter, mum said she would take us to get our stuff next week. I have grown a fascination for books, and Draco finds it boring, as always he always finds them boring. As long as it's required to be sitting he hates it. Unless it's eating.

*Diagon alley*

We were on our way to diagon alley, when draco told mum that his owl was stupid. I told him that his owl isn't stupid it's just the way he writes his letters, he has the handwriting sloppy and it's horrible. On the other hand my owl her name is Iris, she's has jet black coated feathers. She is very nice she doesn't make much noise but mum likes her so she got her for me. As we entered the book store of course we had to come across Mattheo he made a snarky remark as always "ah look who's here, Ms. Asterin" he said with a wide grin. "Riddle" I said in reply. He had a cheeky grin which didn't make me fail to roll my eyes. "oh what's the problem asterin, did i make you upset?" he said while exaggerating the pouty face. "Oh no, of course not Riddle" I said with a small smirk. He obviously wasn't wanting that response and right on time my mum called me over to help her and Draco with the books. "See ya at school Riddle" I said waving.

As I made it to Draco and mums side, she smiled and said "who was that boy" I rolled my eyes and said "it's not what you think, he's mean and annoying". Her smiled was still plastered on her face "right" she replied with. As we got our books mum took us back home and she got us ready for our first day of fourth year tomorrow.

*The next day*

Mum woke us up early to get a nice breakfast, after breakfast she scurried us to pack our things and to be ready out the door. After about an hour of getting ready we finally left. Father wasn't too pleased of the rush but he hadn't said a thing about it. As we made it to Kings Cross we went through and boarded the train. As Draco was finding Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle I ran into Neville, me and Neville had become really close he quickly apologized and i said "don't worry about it, it's fine" he looked up from picking up what we dropped, " Oh hey Asterin, how was your summer?" He asked. "My summer was nothing fun" I replied with a smile. "And yours?" I questioned. He put a light smile and said "My grandmother did nothing but drink tea and babble". We both laughed until Draco called my name from the compartment. " Ive got to go see you around Neville" I said while smiling, we hugged and went our ways.

As I entered the compartment, me and Pansy quickly smiled at each other and hugged. " Oh Asterin, you have no idea how much I missed you" She said while smiling, I replied with a smile as well, "I missed you lots as well Pansy".

Hey hey, it's me the author, I hope anyone who is reading this likes it. It's my first story so it's probably basic, but I hope you enjoy xx!- V

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