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Update: Asterin and Draco now have separate rooms!

I walked to my room and changed into sweats I started getting ready for bed when Mattheo knocked on the door. I walked over and opened the door, he glanced up from looking at the floor and his gaze meeting mine. His brown glossy eyes shining from the moonlight coming through my window, he smirked slightly and walked in. I shut the door and I turned around to see him already in bed.

We were laying down, and we exchanged a couple of glances and laughed. " You know Malfoy, I could get used to this secret thing" I questioned his words. " It wouldn't be such a bad thing to keep it a secret, maybe then it'll make it more fun, and maybe your brother won't kill me" " Let's also hope your brother does kill you" He probably forgot me and Tom were close friends.

He rolled his eyes, "yeah yeah, but let's keep this a secret" He smiled and tucked him self in, he pulled me into his chest, and we fell asleep. I woke up, but I wasn't surprised when Mattheo wasn't there, then I remembered that we were a secret. By secret does he mean secret friends with benefits or a secret relationship? Oh only merlin knows what that blithering idiot thinks. I turned over in my sheets not wanting to get up for the day, it was a saturday anyways I didn't have to attend classes. I saw a note on my bedside table neatly folded it read for my special princess.

Goodmorning darling, i'm sorry I left in a rush this secret thing is making it hard for me to show you affection. You have this hold on me, i've become soft for you. Besides the point i'll see you later!


He is absolutely scrawny, but I will admit he's adorable. I got ready for the day I had already woken so I might as well. I slipped on a slytherin jersey I was assuming it was Dracos because it fit quite big on me, and I just put on plain black pants. I walked into the common room to be greeted by my bestfriend Blaise. He is quite a guy, very beautiful eyes and quite the ladies man. He got up and hugged me and sat back down. "Morning, Asterin" "Morning Knott"  Theo put his hand on his chest and acted hurt "Last name basis are we now" "Sorry theo" we conversed for a bit.

We ended up going to hogsmeade, as we were walking. Draco and Pansy were up front and then it was Me, Zabini, Knott, and of course Riddle tagged along. Theodore threw his arm over my shoulder and told me that I am extremely beautiful, as much as I loved Knott i've always seen him as my brothers best friend and a close friend. As those words slipped out of his mouth from the corner of my eye I saw Mattheo eyeing him down and clenching his jaw, his knuckles turning white. His glanced softened when he saw me, we continued walking until we made it.

This chapter is a bit plain, but i'm changing my way of writing not too noticeable but it's getting better. Thank you to all of my patient viewers much love for you! Anyways goodnight/goodmorning my darlings! :) <3

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