The Mark

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I was leaving class when, Draco ran up to me. Confused I asked him why he was so out of breath. He shakes his head.

"we've got to go, father owled me saying we have to meet him and the manor" he grabbed my wrist and ran to the station. We got on the train, he seemed to be picking at his arm.

"What's wrong you seem to be hurting?"  he shot his head up. "It's nothing" he stopped picking at it. I left alone. The train began to leave, the castle began to look smaller and smaller until I couldn't see it. I didn't understand why we didn't just apperate. But it's a bit far out to ask anyways, he began to pick at his sleeve again, I got frustrated and just grabbed his arms and lifted his sleeve. The mark.. he has the mark....

I was getting lightheaded the Dark mark he works for the Dark lord... omg does that mean I have to work for him as well. He was saying my name but his voice faded I was just thinking and thinking.. why would he does this why would mother let him do it...

Everything was so confusing, mother let this past him... why didn't they tell me..? Was I getting the mark too.. My mind was flooding with the worst case scenarios

" Am I getting it too?" He looked at me with soft eyes "Draco am I getting it or not" I practically yelled at him.

Silence followed until he spoke "yes, you probably are" I realized we made it I got out, and grabbed my things...

Okay this chapter is terrible but i'm very sorry for not updating. xx-V

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