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"we run.." He stated with a blank expression

"Are you a bloody idiot? Blimey, you do realize if we run they'll find us" I blurted out angry

"No because I have a plan Asterin" He darted his eyes between me and the door

"Okay Mister I have a plan, tell me your grand idea" I said sarcastically

"just trust me please." He pleaded with soft eyes

"fine" I rolled my eyes with frustration

"Pack whatever you need, but keep it minimal i'll be back for you" He turned on his heels, but turned back around

He pulled me into a warm hug, kissed my forehead and went off to collect his stuff.

~3rd person pov~

Not only did Asterin know this wouldn't turn out well, but Mattheo knew as well. They wouldn't get their happy ending, and he felt it. She knew that at some point hate can be loved in any way shape or form and she knew she need to spend time with him with the time she has left. And he knew the same thing.


mattheos thoughts~

I know this won't end well, either we will get caught by my father and she dies or we get caught by her father and I die, or we die with each other. But what terrifies me the most is that I don't know what's going to happen.

I packed my things and head my way back to Asterin.

"You ready, darling?" I half smiled at her

"Yeah" She said letting out a long sigh

We head our way through the forbidden forest, god forbid my father to find us in here. I thought we'd find somewhere deep into the woods and camp it out until we knew what to do, but i'm lost and confused.


I went to find Asterin, her sheets haven't been touched her drawers were emptied, everything was gone. I panicked and ran to Mattheos room, same thing, everything empty. I went to find Zabini and Parkinson, hoping they knew. Once I found them, Knott was with them which wasn't unusual, but I asked and they all look worried. They hadn't seen her. I needed to find her.

Very short, it's just a filler, the chapter I wrote out for deleted. Sooo, Have a great day Lovely's- V

hate can be loved- M.R storyWhere stories live. Discover now