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  We kept running and running, my legs were growing sore and I could feel my heart beating out of my chest, it started to get late. I knew my brother would be upset once he finds out i'm gone but I hope he understands why I decided to do this. Mattheo didn't look to good either he looked worn out but he made sure to have a strong grip on my hand. I stopped I couldn't run anymore, Theo got the hint and stopped for a bit for us to catch our breathe.

We began walking hoping that we'd find someplace, the farther we got the more green showed up, we found this cobblestone path, all that was heard was us trying to catch our breath and our feet hitting the cobblestone ground. I don't know what felt more
comforting either that I was with him, or the sound of that owl and the cottage that sat right in front of us. We looked at each other with hope in our eyes, we slowly walked up made sure the place was empty before walking in. We walked in and the air of outside filled inside and dust flew around.

After a bit of tidying up, we finally managed to make this place live-able, there was a nice room in the back of the cottage we decided that we'd share the bed unless one of us felt uncomfortable. We laid there with my hand on my sides, I sat there thinking "was this a good idea?". I felt Mattheo's hand collide with mine, he whispered "Everything will be okay"

I drifted into a deep slumber


After my hand had collided with Asterin I felt relieved like as if we could make it together. She slowly drifted to sleep, I turned to my side I stared at her side profile, the way her nose had that perfect tip, her lips equally plumped so kissable, but so soft. I glided my finger across her soft hand, I really am whipped for her, and I don't know how to tell her. The way her platinum hair some parts wavy some parts almost curled (I changed her looks, check out introductions), the way it neatly folded at her sides, he slowly fell into a nice slumber with a smile on his face while admiring her.


Hello pretties, I know I said i'd discontinue this book but it constantly came to mind on how I left you guys off. Hope you enjoyed this! -V

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