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*Defense against the Dark Arts*

Asterin's pov:

Of course, it had to be Mattheo. He had a wide grin, inched across his face. I scurried to my seat not wanting detention. As I sat down I huffed, this was going to be a long class. "Upset are we Malfoy?" I looked to him and my eyes widened. He had an even worse look than when I saw him before, his black eye had worsened. He was a mess, "Jeez Riddle you look bloody horrible" he rolled his eyes and said, "Whatever Asterin I-" He was interrupted by Snape slamming a book against the table. "Malfoy, Riddle would you like to share your oh so important conversation. "of course not professor continue" as he inched away I rolled my eyes at Riddle and continued to work, he would not stop bothering me Malfoy this Malfoy that, he can never shut up. I got fed up and snapped, "Riddle if you don't shut up in the next 2 seconds I will literally Arvada Kedavra your ass. "Okay okay, no need to get all upset Malfoy" I rolled my eyes "asshole" I mumbled. "what was that, Malfoy" He whispered in my ear. I looked at him, he had a cheeky grin spread across his face. "Asshole" I said in a slow manner. He got upset and his smirk faded. He didn't expect that. Class finally ended and I accidentally ran into Tom. "I'm so sorry Tom" I said with a sympathetic look. "Don't worry about it, Asterin." I smiled and I said "your brother is a bastard" he then replied with "what happened now?" I continued to tell him about the incident, he chuckled "sounds like theo" small giggles escaped my mouth. He offered to walk me to my last class. As we were walking we ran into 𝐻𝑖𝑚....

This is a little smaller than i thought, but how are my basiliks doing today! I'm honestly great, I hope you liked today's chapter..!! xx- V

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